Write something
A prompt to automate reporting
Here is a helpful prompt for those who need to create reports from a .csv file. Prompt: Research and outline the steps to automate the creation of reports from a .csv file. Identify tools and software solutions that can streamline this process, focusing on options that offer user-friendly interfaces, integration capabilities, and customization features. Provide a step-by-step guide that includes how to set up the automation, import the .csv data, generate the desired report format, and schedule regular updates. Highlight best practices and tips to ensure accurate and efficient report generation. Source: Daily Prompt
Create comprehensive Market Research with real time data using ChatGPT.
Here's a prompt pattern I've been using for building long documents, Prompt: Let's build a comprehensive Market Analysis Report for the AI SaaS market. The report should contain, Market Overview Market Dynamics Market Segmentation Competitive Landscape Consumer Analysis Market Size and Forecast SWOT Analysis Regulatory Environment Technological Advancements Strategic Recommendations Start by outputting the table of contents for our document. When I say "next". Start on the first section, and so on and so forth. Using your search capabilities to get real time information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then you can queue up the "next" messages with the ChatGPT Queue chrome extension. I posted a video of this workflow here:
New comment 2d ago
"Searching for a Prompt to Clone My Writing Style"
Hello guys! I'm currently working on creating a prompt that perfectly reflects my writing style, but so far, the results haven't quite met my expectations. Does anyone have a good example of a prompt that they've successfully used and would be willing to share? Many thanks!
New comment 2d ago
The Trend of Generic Prompts
Hey Friends, I've noticed a trend of everyone sharing 1000 Chat GPT prompts lately. While many of these prompts are useful, they often lack specificity, and depth and tend to be generic. As someone focused on making money through AI-driven content creation, I found a collection of 1000 prompts that truly stand out. They are precisely what I needed, so I decided to share them with you all. If you're using AI for content idea generation and creation, you'll find this incredibly valuable. What I love about these prompts is how they're organized into sections, with detailed prompts for each platform: - 200 Prompts for YouTube - 200 Prompts for TikTok - 200 Prompts for Instagram - 200 Prompts for Facebook - 200 Prompts for Twitter I've attached the link to the original post where I found these prompts. Check it out For people that really used it to generate content let me know how it was. If you need any help I am here. Happy creating!
New comment 10d ago
Prompt Writing for Beginners
I purchased the mini course creator that @Jason West told us about and created a course for prompting. If you are new here and want to learn more about prompting, check out this link:
New comment 16d ago
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