Brian Moncada
Mastermind Weekend Recap + Our Skool Community's 1-Year Anniversary馃
Mastermind Weekend Recap + Our Skool Community's 1-Year Anniversary馃
Happy Monday Ad Men,
If you are reading this, that means you made the cut and were an active member within the last few months...
Thank you for choosing to be here, and make this Adspend skool community great again 馃槑
To celebrate, I'll share a quick story with you from this past weekend to remind us why we're all here in the first place...
So, let's start shall we?
This past weekend, I got dinner with a few friends and YouTube legends...
Dan Koe, Clark Kegley, and Quazi Johir.
They have almost 3 million subscribers between the 3 of them...
And we ate Persian food, talked marketing, and shared business lessons.
The biggest of which?
Creativity is consistency.
Here's what I mean...
I've known Clark for almost 4-years, and he's growing the fastest he's ever grown on YouTube within the last year.
Quazi, has been doing YouTube for 6-years, and is growing the fastest he's grown since starting.
Dan Koe, published his first YT video 2-years ago, and now is already at 500k+ subscribers.And you know what they all have in common?
They each have a different weekly schedule and writing cadence for when and how they produce their videos.
Their routines were ALL different.
Which reminded me, there is no perfect routine, it's just the routine that works for you.
And it's your routine that brings you Creativity.
So find a routine that works for you, and you'll stick to it longer and easier than one that you heard works for someone else.
Most importantly, get around friends, and a community of like-minded marketers just like you to keep you focused and have some fun.
Lots of growth to come for all of us here this year...
Cheers to you, to us, and to where we're going 馃
-Brian 'The Ad Man' Moncada
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