Brian Moncada
Believe It Or Not, There Are Agencies That Will ‘Kidnap’ Your Ad Account 🤯
Believe It Or Not, There Are Agencies That Will ‘Kidnap’ Your Ad Account 🤯
This is based on a true story.
The characters are fictional, and names were changed to protect identities.However, be warned…
…The situation is real, and there are actual agency owners who think this is "the right way"...
…But you know better (or I hope so), and after reading the next couple paragraphs, you’ll never be taken for a fool again.
So here’s the (horror) story to start off this Tuesday with some valuable education…
A couple days ago, I got a message from a guy. Let’s call him Mark.
Mark was mad at his ad agency because the results were… Not very uplifting.
You see, his sales team’s calendar was becoming drier than the Arizona desert, and you could almost hear the crickets singing whenever Google Calendar was opened.
So, like most clients do, Mark thought his business was crashing harder than Wall Street on Black Monday."What should I do? My closers are STARVING" Mark yelled at his computer.
So he picked up his phone…
…And dialed in 1-800-I-WANT-TO-SCALE…
(That’s Adspend’s number BTW)
Lucky for him, I was the one who took the call, and listened…
…Turns out the problem was way bigger than Mark thought it was…
…His ad agency turned out to be like TERRORISTS.
They had his account under a triangle choke, and even though he was tapping the mat yelling for mercy, they just kept on ignoring the pain.
Because for some sick reason, they thought Mark’s ad account was THEIRS and that they had the final say in what went in, out, and anywhere between when it came to that account.
So let me break character for a second…
What’s going on with agencies lately? 🤯
"You can’t get access to your ads account"
"You don’t need more than 2-3 ads"
"We HATE Slack. We’ll send you an email once, maybe every two weeks"
That’s the standard nowadays?
That’s our "enemy"?
Anyway… Back to the story…
So Mark knew there was something "off" and it was not just his budget.
For some weird reason, Mark had the suspicion that these weren’t common practices.
So after we had a chat, I laid out exactly what was wrong, and how he was being taken hostage… When he’s the one who should be able to come and go as he pleases.
The problem?
Some people, regardless of how smart and capable they are… Don’t know any better!
And that’s not their fault!It’s like going to buy your first car as an 18-year-old, and being sold on a nice Hyundai, when in reality, it was rotten from the inside and it was just a matter of time until it stopped working.
(TRUE story btw…😅)
Your fault?
Partially… Because you didn’t do your proper research beforehand…
But it’s the dealership’s fault for taking advantage of you.
And that’s exactly what happened to Mark.
The moral of this story, and learning lesson for you is…
There are bad guys out there.
Agencies that would sell their moms to the mob if it came down to it, only to keep your ad account hostage to make sure if you leave, you’re screwed…
…And they get to keep all your hard-earned gold and silver for them.(AKA: Your ad account’s data)But at what cost?
At your brand’s cost.
At your future’s cost.
At your budget’s cost.Because what you pay for is what you get…
…And if you pay for an agency that won’t even share access to your account WITH YOU…
…Well, whose fault is that really? 👀
But enough of the negativity…
Because this wasn’t the intention of this message.
The intention is to educate YOU on how easy it is to get taken hostage by another agency who lures you in with "cheap" retainers, only to end up being the most expensive investment you ever made…
And it boils my blood to know some of these "fake-gencies" are getting away with murder.
But not for long…
Because like Liam Neeson in Taken, I say this to them…
So don’t be spooked out when you see the Ad Man coming for you…
…Because we’re just behind you, waiting to give you what you deserve. 🔪
(And not to kill anyone lol but more like take your clients away from you because you’re nuts bro, what the hell? No ad account access? Wow…)
So, next time you get one of these red flags from your agency…
Or you find yourself shopping around a car dealership…
Just call us.
1-800-I-WANT-TO-SCALE. 😉🥂
- Brian "Make Agencies Great Again" Moncada
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