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Created by Troy


Private • 830 • Free

We're the world’s greatest community for people committed to spiritual AND creative growth

23 contributions to Skool Community
Help request: Zapier for Unlocking Courses
I'm trying to use Zapier to unlock courses for members whose emails I put into a Google sheet - in order to retroactively give existing members access to new premium courses in Skool. Please check out this 2 minute loom: What am I doing wrong?
New comment Mar 11
Skool rules (and a few tips)
I just wanted to give a big thanks to Sam and Sid and the entire Skool team for creating this platform and community. Here are some things I’m appreciating: 1. Engagement: I started our community last year and was using a few other tools to build it. I moved to Skool three weeks ago and engagement is incredible. We have had more engagement in the past three weeks than we had in six months prior on other platforms. 2. Ease: everyone has been able to self-support and my cost of operation is almost $0. It’s clear that the design and development team at Skool knows what they are doing! 3. Conversion: I’m running a freemium model with a free Skool community (people join our Skool community when they join my email list); and people can upgrade to paid to unlock access to additional courses and events. Once people spend some time in the free community, many of them are converting. At a higher clip than my email list conversion. 4. Retention: in the past, when people cancelled using our paid service, they would effectively be “out of the loop” and no longer engaged. Now when someone cancels our paid service, they will still be in the Skool community. This should lead to a better compound effect for the community and more Re-subscribers. 5. Socialization: members are getting to know each other and are hitting it off. This will be as valuable for them and sticky for the product as anything we could offer them ourselves. Some things we are doing that seem to be working well: - Our auto-welcome DM has a link to a lesson in the classroom with a 3-minute video intro orientation to the community ( and a pinned post for members to introduce themselves - We are giving small prizes every week for the top 3 people on the leader board. We did Amazon gift cards last week, but are going to move to branded t-shirts, notebooks and tote bags soon. - we are doing a daily “check-in” post that we ask people to reply to, which has helped engagement
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Jul '23
@Luke Overton I tried both for a few days and settled on ‘private’ only because I like the sign-up flow better for a private group than a public group. It seems more intuitive. But that’s just my opinion. I’ve also found that our members are starting to share personal information, which is really good, and may not have happened if we made it a public group. But I think you could do either and it would work well, imho.
3 likes • Sep '23
@Sam Ovens @Sid Sahasrabuddhe just want to thank you again for creating Skool. It is amazing. Really has been the perfect tool for building my community. So so grateful. Keep up the good work.
Testing new trailer on Skool landing page
Just created this new trailer video. May be helpful for inspiration and also would love your feedback! Thanks also to @Jonathan Courtney for this idea.
New comment Jul '23
Video Timestamp
I checked out your Skool 101 video and like the clickable timestamp feature in the description. It's similar to the youtube chapter markers - very efficient. What are the steps for creating that inside my skool classroom? @Sam Ovens @Sid Sahasrabuddhe
New comment Nov '23
0 likes • Jul '23
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe how do we do this now that there is no “description” field?
Membership Tiers & Labels
Hey Skool Admins! I would love if we could put a Membership Tier label next to the student's name (i.g. "Silver", "Gold", "Platinum") which indicated what membership tier they were classified in. Higher level membership tiers would grant certain exclusive access to course material and bonuses that lower level memberships do not. Does anyone have a good way of doing this and being able to control this manually?
New comment 12d ago
5 likes • Jul '23
@Sam Ovens just for clarification… For example, about 70 of my 170 Skool members are Paid members. I just had to manually give them all access to the 4 paid courses I just created, and every time I create a new paid course, I will have to give them all access. Even if I can do this in bulk w Zapier, it’s tough to keep it all organized and make sure I’m not missing anyone. Would be great to have an object called “Profile Type” in Skool and I could create new “Profile Types” and name them whatever I want. Then I could assign a User to one or multiple profile types. On the profile type record, I could add the name of the profile type, add access to certain courses and I could also add a custom badge icon (or choose form several options you provide). Once I assign a user to a profile type, the user would have all the permissions granted by that profile type. I think it is very similar to how you are doing the “levels” but just giving admins the ability to assign, rather than solely based on points earned. This plus more Zapier zaps would be my two biggest feature requests. Just my 2c for what it’s worth ;)
4 likes • Jul '23
And LOVING Skool by the way. It is working miracles for my community engagement and many members are converting from free to paid once they get a taste of our community. So cool. Great job.
1-10 of 23
Troy Lavinia
80points to level up
Entrepreneur, spiritual teacher, dad, husband

Active 5h ago
Joined May 11, 2022
NYC / Sag Harbor, NY
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