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10 contributions to
Organic YouTube Q&A - Thread
Got any Qs about YouTube: - video - gear - scripts - strategy - thumbnails - youtube growth Happy to add some value here on this thread. We have a channel with 1.2M subs in the self-improvement niche. I know this is a paid ads-focused group, but most of you have an organic nurture platform as well 🙌
New comment Jan 10
Organic YouTube Q&A - Thread
0 likes • Jan '23
Hey @Clark Kegley I'd love to hear your guidance on how to create excellent scripts for organic YouTube videos. I am a psychotherapist and Parenting Coach with lots of experience and good content in my head, but I could use some direction when it comes to honing it down to a 10-12 minute script.
0 likes • Jan '23
Thanks, @Clark Kegley, I know that's great advice...I'll get Chat GPT right away! LOL. No, seriously, I get that this is the best advice I can get. I don't want to spend any time in analysis paralysis, I'm just shifting from being able to communicate in much longer form in talks and classes and consulting sessions to 10 minutes or so and I'd like to get it "right" (not perfect) as much as I can from the start. Thanks so much. I really value what you bring here (and out in the world).
List Building for NOW (and this model)
Hi @Charles Winters and @Brian Moncada and @Nick Grippando... As you guys know, I am building a strategy that includes the fact that I am leaving for Japan in two weeks and staying for six months. My plan is to get my first ads running by the new year and to build my organic Youtube while in Japan (at least 1 vid/week) while working on my ads and doing about 10 sales calls per week myself. One of my main focuses, other than these things, is going to be to start growing my email list a lot. Any recommendations on the best path for this right now? Is it covered in the Wetube strategy (I bought the SS version but haven't seen this yet)? Does it involve using Skool? I'd love to hear your thoughts. My goal is to have things going well enough 4-5 months from now to start working with and bringing on a closer or 2.
New comment Dec '22
0 likes • Dec '22
@Brian Moncada Good answer, and I accept it! Thanks, Brian.
Two Questions- Ad Focus and Custom Segments
I am hoping the Uplevel Brain Trust can help me with a couple of different questions as I am shooting my first ads and prepping my first campaigns. @Brian Moncada @Nick Grippando @Nicholas Verge 1- The focus of my ads. I have like 10 areas of focus that I want to test and the answer may be..."just test them all". But a lot of them are "my kids won't listen to me" type things. I am wondering...for a high ticket offering, would it be better to focus on BIGGER level things in the parenting realm like "am I screwing up my kids" and "my husband and I always argue over parenting" or how unhappy people are in their family lives because they don't have parenting dialed in. Thoughts? 2- I am setting up some custom segments. I am confused about how it works. When I use tools (like Tube Buddy) to see popular topics and phrases in YouTube search, I see things like "defiant child" having big numbers. Then when I try to put it into a Custom Segment, it says there is nothing measurable to it. I've come up against this several times. Any idea why? And what's the most reliable way of finding the best terms for custom segments? Thanks!
New comment Dec '22
How to Frame Shots for Ads
Hi everyone. I have my first 4 ad scripts pretty-much written and I've been experimenting with using my all-new camera equipment (I went with the suggested list- Sony A6400, etc). I've been practicing shooting and I've been really unhappy with how I am framing the shots. The quality is excellent but they don't look right. Does anyone know of some good resources on this? Thanks!
New comment Nov '22
0 likes • Nov '22
@Clark Kegley Thanks a ton, Clark. I am trying to establish my organic youtube right now at the same time and I found your post on that very valuable. Are there any other trainings, etc, that you recommend around building your organic youtube the right way? In the meantime, I'll watch this now.
Ad Two Script- Defiant Kids
Hey @Nicholas Verge and everyone else. Here is the 2nd script draft based on Nick's suggestions in the call last week. I made the body and call to action the same as the first one, so they both may need to be tweaked. Let me know your suggested edits? --- Parents…are you frustrated by you children not listening to you? At times, do they ignore you when you’re trying to get out of the house? Do they refuse to cooperate when you need their help? Is it always a struggle when you ask them to do their homework or do what they need to do around the house? And when your child doesn’t listen, do you sometimes find yourself raising your voice or threatening to take things away? Does it make you feel awful when you yell at your child and or make them feel bad when you get so frustrated? Look…as parents, we all get frustrated at times and every parent I know feels awful when they lose their temper or yell at their kids. It happens to the best of us from time to time, but no one wants to be THAT parent. No one wants to yell and scream at their kids and make them feel bad. Well, what if there was a way in which you didn’t have to have any of that conflict with your child? What if your reality could be that your children actually listened to you most of the time and cooperated when you asked them to do something? I know, it probably seems like this reality is some sort of far off fantasy but I have been helping parents solve these problems and create this reality for almost 20 years. I have shown countless parents like you how to create a home culture in which kids listen and cooperate because they WANT to, not because their parents yell and take things away. — My name is Todd Sarner, I am a psychotherapist and Parenting Coach and the Director of Transformative Parenting. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of ours identifying the cause of all of the most common child behavior issues and the most effective ways of solving them. The thing is, almost all the advice that parents are getting about how to solve these issues is either wrong or incomplete. I’ve put together a free 20-minute Parenting Masterclass that explains exactly where these problems come from, the proper way to understand them, and how to get on the road to solving them for good.
New comment Nov '22
0 likes • Nov '22
@Nicholas Verge First time reading it aloud, it's under 3 minutes. Thanks for all the help. I'm starting to get it and I'll try to record something tomorrow. Got all my camera gear.
1 like • Nov '22
@Brian Moncada @Nicholas Verge I clock it at 2:40
1-10 of 10
Todd Sarner
8points to level up
I am a psychotherapist & parenting coach. I love food, travel and craft beer. I live in Sonoma County, CA ("wine country" north of San Francisco).

Active 60d ago
Joined Oct 3, 2022
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