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Created by Steve

The Thinking Partnership

Private β€’ 1 β€’ Free


Million Dollar Sprint

Private β€’ 123 β€’ Paid

LinkedIn For Breakfast

Private β€’ 1.8k β€’ Free


Public β€’ 253 β€’ Free

Skool Community

Public β€’ 90.1k β€’ Paid

Community Creators Club

Private β€’ 2.2k β€’ Free

Hired By God

Private β€’ 42 β€’ Free

10 contributions to Leadeth
Are you Verified yet?
So I’m now LinkedIn Verified - the process took seconds to complete with a current passport. This means others can confidently connect and converse with me because I am a human with a pulse. The verification badge on your profile indicates that you were able to confirm specific information about your account. Having verified information helps provide authenticity signals to others that you’re who you say you are. Seeing verified information on others’ profiles helps foster a trusted community so you can make more informed decisions around connecting with other professionals.
New comment Feb 14
3 likes β€’ Jan 31
I’ve tried a few times now and the persona app freezes on my phone! So annoying πŸ™„
Weekly LinkedIn Engagement Pod Kick-Off! @ 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm London/GMT
Happy Monday! It's time for our weekly LinkedIn Engagement Pod session. This is a fantastic opportunity for all of us to support each other and extend the reach of our content on LinkedIn. Here's a quick rundown of how it works and the rules to ensure we all benefit: Rules for Participation: πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 1. Quality Content: Share posts that are valuable and relevant to our professional community. 2. Be Supportive: Engage with at least five members' posts with meaningful comments and likes. 3. Reciprocity: If someone engages with your content, return the favor. 4. No Spam: Keep self-promotion to a minimum and focus on contributing to others. 5. Respect Privacy: Do not share details from the pod outside the community. 6. Timeliness: Post your content within the first 30 minutes of the session start time. How to Participate:πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 1. Post a link to your LinkedIn content in this designated Skool thread. 2. Engage with others' posts before adding your link. 3. Once you've engaged with posts (ideally a like, comment and reshare if relevant, comment 'Done' under your original post link. Note: Remember, the strength of the pod lies in our collective effort to engage sincerely and supportively. Let's make our LinkedIn network vibrant and beneficial for all! Looking forward to seeing your insightful content!
New comment Jan 25
1 like β€’ Jan 22
@Mia Arrowsmith done!
2 likes β€’ Jan 22
@Victor Akindeji done
Blogs & Engaging Content
A warm welcome to our newest member @Natalie Alsop, who also gave a presentation at this morning's weekly Lead Generation Masterclassβ„’ If you missed the masterclass you can catch up with the recording in the classroom here:
New comment Dec '23
2 likes β€’ Dec '23
This was really helpful! Thanks to my AI notetaker, I hope people have done their tasks! And thanks to @Natalie Alsop for the content!πŸ™πŸΎ
Invitation to Beta Test Our Innovative AI LinkedIn Profile Audit Tool
Hello everyone! I'm absolutely thrilled to share with you a golden opportunity that's right up our alley - it's all about innovation, growth, and, of course, our mutual passion for excellence. Here at Leadeth, we're all about pushing boundaries, and in that spirit, I've crafted something rather special - an AI-powered LinkedIn Profile Audit Tool. It's a nifty little gadget that promises to revolutionise the way we approach professional networking and personal branding on LinkedIn. Now, here's the fun part - we're in the beta phase! And guess what? You, my esteemed members, are exclusively invited to join this adventure. By hopping on board, you'll not only get a sneak peek at this tool's output but also play a crucial role in polishing it with your invaluable input. What's in it for you, you ask? 1. Tailor-Made Profile Analysis: Our AI wizard will scrutinise your LinkedIn profile, offering insights and suggestions to make your profile shine like a diamond. 2. Bespoke Improvement Tips: Get custom advice on jazzing up your profile for maximised visibility and networking prowess. 3. First Dibs on Fresh Features: As a beta tester, you're the VIP who gets to try out all the latest bells and whistles first. 4. Shape the Future: Your thoughts and feedback will be the magic ingredient in perfecting this tool, making sure it truly hits the mark for professionals like us. We're on the lookout for beta testers who are: - Eager to ramp up their LinkedIn game. - Ready to share honest, constructive feedback. - Curious about the wonders of AI in enhancing personal branding. Fancy being a part of this exhilarating journey? Just drop a comment below, and I'll get in touch with you personally to guide you through the next steps. Cheers and thank you for considering this fantastic opportunity! πŸš€πŸŒŸ
New comment Dec '23
0 likes β€’ Dec '23
I feel I'm late to this party, but count me in if there's space!πŸ˜„
Networking Idea - Help me name it!
I'm delighted that this group has grown to 100+ members! So excited to present a new 30-minute virtual power networking event every week: Designed exclusively for the Leadeth community, these sessions are structured for maximum impact: 20 minutes for introductions and a 10-minute one-on-one exchange to share something of value. Embrace the 'givers gain' ethos by offering valuable insights like a strategy call or a masterclass, ebook or free trials. Come to give, and leave enriched. What should I call these sessions?
16 members have voted
New comment Dec '23
1 like β€’ Nov '23
What do you wear to these speed networking events?😊🀡🏾
0 likes β€’ Dec '23
@Alex Smith Oh Dear!!πŸ˜„ "My camera's stopped working..."!!
1-10 of 10
Steve Wright
4points to level up
I help people become their best selves through personal and professional coaching!

Active 55d ago
Joined Jul 14, 2023
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