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281 contributions to Men of Action Forum
Hey seniors and mentors, I am Soumadip Sen, a college fresher from India, going to pursue my Bachelors in Computer science and Engineering, I am here to get some specific tips on fitness, and how to deal with people in general. Want to level myself up till my age of 25 before I get into the dating game. Currently, this year, my main goal is to go to a healthy body weight and also performing well in my college, as the first years in college are the easiest to boost your GPA.. Peace
New comment Jun 24
0 likes • Jun 22
Welcome and as long as you know what you want your good
Working Framework
I've come to understand the essence of Steve Jobs' quote about "connecting the dots." To me, it means taking the mindset and strategies that lead to success in one area and applying them to others. Success is built on incremental progress, achieved through small, deliberate steps. For instance, I use a specific technique to condition my brain while I'm on the elliptical machine. I break down my workout into manageable chunks: once I've completed 5 minutes, I tell myself to repeat this four more times. When I reach 12 minutes, I remind myself that I just need to do the same thing once more. This method of breaking tasks into smaller, repeatable parts helps me stay motivated and maintain my focus. I've found this technique equally effective in my work. By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, I can steadily make progress and ultimately achieve my goals. Peace
New comment Jun 22
0 likes • Jun 22
Yeah that sure has been an effective way for me to be productive otherwise I get stuck bring so busy and not advancing
Chicken or egg?
The whole idea is to find events to bring girls to. in the process making girl friends and building content for preselection. To find events, you need to know people who are paying for those events. To find those people you need girl friends. So where do you start this cycle? Do you create small events at your place, or get the bottle yourself and 10 girls in a club? Do you promise some random guys you'll bring the girls and then start doing the hard work to get few girls to their event/table? What has your experience been?
New comment Jun 24
1 like • Jun 22
Personally I attends enough venues and emtwork with enough people to get the best spots and then invite women to them then I make my own event. This had been effective for me
Underrated Abs Exercise (recommended)
Hey everyone I’m back! I recommend using the Standing Cable Abs crunch for greater range of motion and comfort unlike the conventional kneeling down variation. Enjoy 💪
New comment Jun 22
Underrated Abs Exercise (recommended)
0 likes • Jun 22
Thank you for the recommendation how long have you been doing this variation of the kneeling down?
Basic skills every men should know
Basic First Aid: Knowing how to administer first aid in emergencies can be life-saving. Self-Defense: Understanding basic self-defense techniques can help protect oneself and others in dangerous situations. Basic Cooking: Being able to prepare simple and nutritious meals is not only practical but also promotes independence. Financial Management: Managing money, budgeting, and understanding basic financial concepts are crucial for financial stability. Basic Home Maintenance: Knowing how to perform basic repairs around the house can save money and prevent further damage. Effective Communication: Being able to express oneself clearly and listen actively is essential for personal and professional relationships. Problem Solving: Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills can help navigate challenges effectively. Time Management: Learning to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently can increase productivity and reduce stress. Basic Car Maintenance: Knowing how to perform routine maintenance tasks on a vehicle can save money on repairs. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions, as well as empathizing with others, is important for healthy relationships. Survival Skills and Kit: Understanding basic survival skills such as finding shelter, water, and food in emergency situations, and having a survival kit with essentials like water, food, first aid supplies, a multi-tool, flashlight, and emergency blanket.
1-10 of 281
Rolando Infante
66points to level up
You know how people live a passive lifestyle ? Well I help people live an active lifestyle by taking accountability and responsibility.

Active 1h ago
Joined Aug 21, 2023
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