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Created by Robert

628% Growth Club

Private • 392 • Free

A community for ambitious entrepreneurs to hang out, ask questions, improve marketing skills, learn from one another and GROW your business.

628% VIP Accelerator

Private • 26 • Paid

Welcome to the 628% VIP Accelerator community which is four things in one: a community, plus a vast content library, online courses, and a calendar.


Million Dollar Sprint

Private • 137 • Paid

LinkedIn For Breakfast

Private • 2.1k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.4k • Paid

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free

Sophron Acquisition Systems

Private • 751 • Free

ChatGPT Users

Public • 10.8k • Free

29 contributions to Skool Community
Is there a way of allowing people to join my group for free
And then charging them for having access to the training programmes within it. Steve
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Oct '23
@Steve Mills I can’t speak to the mechanics since I am not using it, but it was my understanding from others that this can be done.
0 likes • Nov '23
@Steve Mills understood!!
Classroom & Course Payment/Transfer Questions
Hey Skool team! Loving the direction you've been moving. Great stuff! I've got a free group and a paid group and was wanting to add a course to both groups. Free in the paid group, paid in the free group. Is there something in the works to make it easier to copy courses between the communities you manage? Also, is there something planned to let me set pricing on a single course within the free community's classroom? Would love to see more options for those who have multiple communities and an easy way for those who want to use the classroom as a library of a la carte courses for purchase. Thanks a million! -Ryan Baker Founder of Ad Master Academy & Ad Master Coaching
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe is copying courses getting close to going live? I could really do with it as soon as possible as I have a structure that I need to repeat 50 times.
How to create a DRIP that only starts when a course is unlocked?
I am setting up a series of 50 6-week implementation challenges for clients. These challenges are designed to be evergreen so that people can start a specific challenge at any point in their journey. The purpose of these challenges is to give them all the tools they need to turn their established business into one of the leaders in its niche, one challenge at a time. Clients are expected to complete 8 of these implementation challenges each year. We have enough challenges to keep them busy for more than 6 years, which is a typical timescale for clients to work with me. Before clients embark on a challenge they will have a strategy session with me or one of my team to select the challenge that best fits their current situation and goals. Once the next challenge has been decided we will unlock the challenge manually. Each challenge will be a separate stand-alone course containing four sets, with each set dealing with a specific strategy, and containing 10-12 modules (but that could vary). Over 12 months clients are expected to complete 8 courses with 32 sets. And over 6 years they will complete 48 courses and 192 of the 200 sets we have created. A high percentage of clients normally become a niche leader within 3-5 years. But in some cases it happens in less than a year. The thing is, we want to drip the sets within each course at 10-day intervals ONCE THE COURSE HAS BEEN UNLOCKED FOR THEM. A drip that only operates from the time they are admitted to the program will not do what we want. Ideally, we would also like to drip the modules within each set. A drip hierarchy in other words. Please let me know if there is a way to achieve what we want, and how to do it? If it is not possible, then can I request this capability as a feature request.
Tiered Membership With Subscriptions?
I'm curious if it's possible to have members come in at a free price, and a paid price? Or the logic: "One or the other" My thinking is that, I want to restrict the calendar and classroom section to folks in for $100/m, so they just have access to the community board, which is possible. My high ticket clients get access to all, which pay me through stripe I would love to be able to get members in at both price points, so I don't have to create a manual subscription on stripe. Any Ideas?
New comment Sep '23
2 likes • Sep '23
@Dylan Washkowiak it’s an interesting idea. I would have thought it was worth testing.
0 likes • Sep '23
@Dylan Washkowiak Would you need two invites? I was thinking you can invite everyone with one invite, then by setting up a Zapier integration you can automatically trigger the release of additional modules for those who are paying.
Billing Currency & Local Taxes etc...
It would be great to have a GBP currency selector on new billing/subscriptions feature in Skool. 99% of my clients are in the UK so USD conversion is always a little odd for them. I assume Stripe is generating the invoices and VAT credentials etc...
New comment 18d ago
2 likes • Sep '23
@Hon Yip OK got it. Yes in that case I agree.
2 likes • Sep '23
@Silke Kristin Juelich I would imagine so. It is an integration with Stripe. So you link your stripe account to the software I mentioned. When a transaction occurs it immediately passes through to that software, which raises an invoice in the correct currency and with the correct tax rate for the buyer. You can integrate it in turn with Xero, where the transaction is correctly accounted for.
1-10 of 29
Robert Clay
274points to level up
Entrepreneur. Mentor. Author. Speaker. Putting established businesses on the path to niche leadership and 628% growth within the first 12 months.

Active 8h ago
Joined Jan 17, 2023
Milton Keynes
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