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Skool Community

Public • 77.7k • Paid

61 contributions to Skool Community
🧢 Skool hats just dropped on the merch store...
New comment 5h ago
3 likes • 16d
How Do I Structure A Free Entry & Paid Course Community?
First off I want to say Skool is so cool! I appreciate any advice and feedback in advance! So here it is, I want to create a free community with free courses with the option to also have paid course material. I see the gamification way of unlocking courses (which is very cool, I will be utilizing this for free members) but I havent seen the option to sell either a single course or an option for a paid membership course. Is this a thing already and I'm missing it? More details on what I'm doing. My girlfriend has an Iridology/detox health and wellness business and we want to turn her Instagram followers into a community that offers free intro/basic detoxification content/courses. We also want to offer mentorships and an advanced course on Skool. We already have a website (I can link it for anyone that wants to know more in order to give me specific feedback on this) and we already take payment through Wix and Paypal. So whats the best way to go about achieving what I have in mind? I see I will have to use Vimeo for hosting videos, are there any other services I will need to use to automate this?
New comment 12d ago
2 likes • Feb '23
@Danny Mallinder Thanks a lot for taking the time Danny, I appreciate it!
2 likes • 18d
@Mukul Verma I posted this a few weeks back, so this might give you more detail: But basically we created a program for our offering and just added everyone to our Skool community as part of that program. Its been private for the last 4 months and now we're just starting to offer it to our following as a monthly or yearly subscription. The post I linked goes into detail about some of my presumptions and how surprised I was with how much content I had already but thought wasn't enough. So to answer your question (lol) we created a way to build the community while bringing people in that where working with us, which gave us a lot of insight on what to do and see what worked.
Paid membership inclusions
I’d love to hear and dialogue on what you include in your membership and how much you charge And even a high converting sale page example! A little blocked on what I want to include & how much to charge Here’s what I’m thinking (names will get pizzaz later lol) monthly topic specific class with q&a Me personally answering q&a in Skool daily (for now) Monthly community connect call Weekly recipe reports A ten day challenge or accountability of some sort (sugar detox, movement) to have the members recalibrate their habits and be plugged in and accountable 47 feels safe 97 is what I’d want 3 month commitment thoughts?
New comment Mar 14
2 likes • Mar 14
Instead of offering a ton of features, my community is included in a high ticket program. So you can approach your offering that way. Showcase any testimonials you have from people who have worked with you and gotten clear results. Think about what other people want out of a community and ask your following what they would benefit most from (Instagram / facebook) engage with them, keep that dialogue open, craft an offering based on the results of that. It’s not your community it’s theirs. Hope this helps.
Group Messages
My paid mastermind group is growing really fast since we turned on ads. Would be a big help to us if we could have a group chat type thing.
New comment Mar 18
2 likes • Mar 14
I understand you are asking that Skool implement this as a feature and you probably use something like Facebook groups that you are trying to get away from, so this probably isn’t helpful BUT; I use Skype for my communities’ weekly live calls and all the members are in one group there. So that’s my form of group chat for now if anyone is looking to adopt something like that immediately, that’s what works for me.
Spam Blockers Needed ASAP
More and more people are sending spam DMs and there’s no way to delete them out of the inbox, making it harder to track warranted conversations.
New comment 1d ago
5 likes • Mar 13
I just turn them off 🤷‍♀️
3 likes • Mar 13
I think it’s better to keep discussions in the group anyway, why do you need to DM me?
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Peter Lupo
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Your reflective guide for ✨ Mindbody Awakening, Subconscious Reprogramming, Nervous System Regulation

Active 56m ago
Joined Feb 1, 2023
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