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8 contributions to Superhuman
todays cardio strength combo - HAPPY 4th!!
Happy 4th GO GET IT!!
Complete action
New comment Jul '23
todays cardio strength combo - HAPPY 4th!!
2 likes β€’ Jul '23
daaaaamnn.... this was πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Todays power pulse was a shoulder banger!!
GO get it!
Complete action
New comment Jun '23
Todays power pulse was a shoulder banger!!
2 likes β€’ Jun '23
Wow... shoulder shocker!!!
Daily Intention Post [Daily Challenge]
Post your daily intention with a GIF here to record your progress. --------------------------- ABOUT THIS CHALLENGE: The daily challenge is LIVE. Can you post EVERY SINGLE DAY? Say YES.
New comment May '23
Daily Intention Post [Daily Challenge]
1 like β€’ May '23
My intention is to act relentlessly and aggressively avoid distractions.
0 likes β€’ May '23
@Katarina Weir this is very tough to do but very powerful if we can get it right... focus is the game changer
Daily Gratitude Post [Daily Challenge]
Post daily with at least one thing/person you are grateful for today. ------- ABOUT THIS CHALLENGE: The daily challenge is LIVE. Can you post EVERY SINGLE DAY? Say YES.
New comment May '23
Daily Gratitude Post [Daily Challenge]
1 like β€’ May '23
Grateful for my wife's birthday today, the gift of time and life.
1 like β€’ May '23
Grateful for staying online opportunities and especially the learnings that we get from this platform.
Bunch of updates in a row
Hi SH Fam! Couple of updates: - Its that time again. Almost 1 year has gone by since I last moved. So, to keep with tradition I have acquired a condo and will be moving yet again. Please bear with me during this process as I need to figure out where I am going to be doing the classes for SH. I think I'll create space in the condo but I would prefer the building gym or yoga room or something like that which I think they have. I have a few months to execute the move (since I acquired the condo with a few months left on my lease) to make my transition easier. Maybe I'll just acquire or partner with a workout studio and turn this into an in person thing and virtual thing. Could be fun. - Now that we have a sampling of all the different types of classes that we do I'll add them by type in the classroom so if you want to do a specific type of class that day you can just access that particular set and pick. This way, the library of the class type lives here and it makes it easy to access. Ill do the same with stretches and some of our old school classes like core foundation flex etc. If you have other ideas for classes and categories - let me know. This platform is releasing an app so that will be available very soon. - SUPERHUMAN RETREAT? UHHH - YEAH. So, I want to do a retreat at some point this year. I am looking at a couple of SUPER ZEN places in FL that we can all congregate at. It will likely be a 1 week retreat to start - we shall see. There is going to be a cost but I will try to keep it nominal and based on availability I'll likely want like 15 people (20 tops). There will be an agenda of DETOX for the mind, body and soul including breath training, mobility training, cold plunges, yoga, workouts, meals, etc as part of this. It is a big undertaking but it is a dream of mine, and once I have a dream - it's just a matter of time before it becomes a reality. IDEAS? POST THEM. - Class ideas? Want some specific type of class or specific type of flow/stretch/breathework - let me know. I have wanted to incorporate this into our practice to make Superhuman more of a wellness program that goes beyond JUST workouts and food awareness (although those are huge things). Let me know if you would attend breathing classes - slower flows - 30 minute stretches - meditations -etc. I would love to do some of those with y'all.
New comment May '23
Bunch of updates in a row
1 like β€’ May '23
wow thank you so much for all your great ideas and work you are doing. it's going to be a fun and exciting journey ahead, looking forward to it, let's do this!!! I would be keen to join the breathing classes as I am learning more and more about the true source of our power... breath. Stretching and meditation classes sounds more like a necessity as we grow, so count me in. good luck with the move. Thanks again for making our lives better. it's really great to be part of your community.
1-8 of 8
Nkateko Siweya
16points to level up
Super Dad | Growth Hacker | Leaving a Legacy of Great Service | For A Better World.

Active 11d ago
Joined Sep 14, 2022
South Africa
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