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Daniels Investeringskursus

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Neurosalg v. Lasse Birk

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3 contributions to Synthesizer School
8 ways to attract clients to your community
After 4 years in the Info Product business, I’ve tested out multiple funnels and strategies across my own product and for clients as well, so it’s tested within multiple niches. 3-4 years ago, the classic evergreen funnel worked smooth and perfect: 1. Paid Ads 2. Opt-in with sign-up 3. Email automation + demo/training page 4. Book a call 5. Purchase the product We did pretty well with this, but I noticed something over the past couple of years. Things changed… And it made me question the funnel, the setup and if there could be a more profitable way of getting leads and clients to our own info product but for clients as well So what is the best way of attracting leads and clients today (in my opinion)? 1. Challenges 2. Webinars 3. Having a free/low ticket entry 4. Events across multiple info products 5. Evergreen funnel with a very tiny/specific niche 6. Instagram DM (without overdoing) 7. Building in public (Youtube, LinkedIn, podcast) 8. Value, value, value Not prioritized btw. ^^ No size fits all… But the best you can do by far is focusing on your product and existing clients. They will talk, but the product has to be good. How do you attract clients today?
Hit the target of $30,000 first month without ads
Ever wondered if it's possible to hit a big revenue milestone without pouring money into ads? Well, we did too, and then we actually did it! In our first month, We had a goal to generate $30,000 without spending anything on ads. Here’s how: The approach was instead of chasing the sales from the get-go, we decided to shift our focus. We wanted to build a community, sell to many, and genuinely add value before anything else. The idea was maximizing the foundation at level 1 before offering 1-to-1 coaching, masterminds etc. LinkedIn became the driver. We poured our efforts into posts packed with value, insights and success stories from existing members. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, we set up a simple, no complex funnel - just a straightforward invitation to join our waiting list. And afterwards the creator gave them a call regarding the program and sold 9/10 people on this. Not only did we hit our $30,000 goal, but we also built a community of engaged and loyal followers. So in order for you to maximize your potential without ads: Deliver value, use your channels, make the product exciting and don’t be afraid to share everything up front. People will purchase your product in the end.
New comment Apr 1
4 likes • Feb 21
@Divine Nwoga Yes exactly. We typically do this as a pre-round to make sure we hit a market and don't waste the time building up a product for nothing. So the waiting list was to make people excited but together with that finding out that we could sell the product once it was ready!
0 likes • Feb 21
Both and so. But he's definitely been a big booster to my knowledge on how to add the value, but it's also just simple psychology. When you receive something you feel like you owe something (hereby purchasing the creators product)
We Achieved 3 Months' Revenue in 1
Gone are the days when a classic VSL funnel was the golden ticket to marketing success. The strategies that were groundbreaking just a year or two ago are now part of the old playbook. (Prepare to invest more than a mere 30 seconds in reading this post. But trust me, if you're an info product creator or assist them, you're about to uncover some invaluable insights!) Failing to adapt doesn't just mean standing still; it means falling behind. We faced this with one of our clients in the info product domain. Our VSL funnel was running like clockwork, until, quite suddenly, it wasn't. Despite testing new ads, reels, and YouTube videos, the needle just wouldn't move as it usually did. Our most reliable funnel hit a plateau… We knew a change was imperative to avoid falling further behind. So, we shifted gears and launched a challenge as our new marketing strategy. And here's a confession - this wasn't an out-of-the-box idea - I’m aware of that! However, the effectiveness of this model is so profound, I'm chocked it's not more widely used. I've replicated this exact model with three other clients, and the results speak for themselves – a significant surge in revenue and a heightened interest in our offerings, not to mention a boost in followers who might convert to customers later (stay tuned for an update on this!). So how did we do it? We reached out to all who had signed up the past 2 months without purchasing our product and simply asked them why they hadn't purchased it yet. 80% answered with the same 3 words: "We're too busy." The course is about how to invest in stocks for a long term benefit. Introducing the "How to invest while having a busy life" Challenge. All it required was: - A single, curiosity-sparking email to our clients - A video and a picture for the ads - One engaging landing page - A Facebook group (yes, they still work!) - Five live sessions spread from mon - fri Within the first two weeks after the challenge, we matched the revenue of the previous two months combined, and with the momentum continuing for two more months.
New comment Feb 13
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Morten Sonne
36points to level up
@morten-sonne - 3x Two Comma Club Awards from ClickFunnels -

Active 15h ago
Joined Feb 24, 2023
Copenhagen, Denmark
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