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21 contributions to Content Academy
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
Hi! Welcome to the Content Academy. This community is designed to help you build a profitable content strategy, efficient team & automated content process. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you working on? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses and paid programs
834 members have voted
New comment 12h ago
0 likes • Nov '23
@Stephen G. Pope Should drop a post abt that some time!
3 likes • 11d
@Miles Richmond I'd love for you to follow through with this YouTube channel if you're planning to create it around mental health! but of course it's just up to you! Aha, cheers!
Content Creators! How's Your Health?
Content creation is something we all enjoy doing! At least I'd hope so, I don't see why you'd still be here if you didn't enjoy it, anyways I digress. One of the bigger problems of content creation is the mental strength REQUIRED to keep themselves afloat during the beginning stages of YouTube! I just wanted to check in with everyone, I hope you're all doing well, and you got this broskis! 🫡
New comment 15d ago
Are you a consumer or a producer?🎥
We currently live in a content age, everywhere you go there is some form of content to be consumed (you’re consuming some right now 🖥 📱 ). . . I decided that I no longer wanted to be a sole consumer and I hope this post convinces you to do the same. “But why should I produce content?” 🤔 I asked myself the same thing 2 months ago and here’s what I came up with: ✅ It gives me a place to express and build my creativity. ✅ I could develop some skills around copywriting, social media and more. ✅ It would make me stand out and open doors of opportunity (and already has). ✅ It allows me to have a positive impact in my own circle or community You might also think you have nothing interesting to say… But you can start by talking about things you’ve done or experienced or even aim the content at your younger self (that’s what I like to do). Are you ready to go and make content now? (Answer below!) If this hasn’t convinced you - what’s stopping you from being a producer? Maybe we can help you 👇 👇 👇
6 members have voted
New comment 11d ago
1 like • 23d
You are so right my guy. People are always zipping their mouths because they think what they have to offer ISN'T ENOUGH. When is that ever true? They just don't know how to present it in a interesting way. I'm glad you've decided to create content, and I truly truly truly wish you the best my man
1 like • 16d
@Adnan Arsalani Entrepreneur all the way B) (except I also want to be a economist bc it sounds rlly funny) but if you can ignore that part yes I'd rather do business things than work jobs B)
Talking In Front Of A Camera
I recently came across a conversation about how it is a struggle to talk in front of a camera. This is definitely the hardest part about recording, but this is what I do personally Practice: I think the majority of people feel awkward staring into a camera (I'm supposed to talk to this thing?!). Try not to think of the camera as a camera, but a good friend who'll always listen no matter how loud you yell at them. Sometimes before a client starts a session, I encourage them to start with "hello best friend" (optional) Also it's good to train like a "low budget actor" try different accents/voices/vocal exercises to get better with feeling loose on cam, letting yourself know it's okay to say weird things and goof off on cam. Sometimes I just sit in front of the camera and I freestyle, NO SCRIPT to practice well speaking! I also try talking to more people to see the flow of conversation, how do I act etc etc. I look at how other YouTubers speak or talk so that I can mimic their style of speaking; seeing what I like and what I don't Execution: I read the lines and imagine how I'd say it in a conversation. I also keep in mind what I want the audience to feel! Excited? Sad? Worried? Serious!! Then after quick visualization I execute! (sometimes it takes me 1 try, sometimes it takes me 10, it's okay!) @Shay Trequesser watchu think 👀
New comment 15d ago
2 likes • 18d
@Tylan Miller That. is. awesome. stuff. you. just. dropped. I don't know how to pin this, but I could if I would LOL
1 like • 17d
THE ONE WAY MIRROR IDEA IS SO INTERESTING I gotta get someone to try that for sure
How I Grew This YouTuber from 0k-200k
This is Ruff, he's a self improvement genius, during my time helping him out on his YouTube channel we were able to grow his lower numbers to finally reach his first few millions and goddam was it a journey. For everyone who's trying to build/construct a digital footprint of some sort for themselves, please please keep this in mind - It is a PROCESS (no one expects you to blow up within a month, especially with how you're acting on camera) take the time to post as consistent as you can, while providing the best content you can. It took us a YEAR to get Ruff where Ruff is today. Improve. Improve. Improve. Learn how to write better scripts, see how other people use hooks and try to mimic it (NOT PLAGERIZE, JUST MIMIC), get better equipment as you grow! - If you want to get recognized fast, yes u can use trends, BUT DON'T RELY ON THEM. Trends only grow you so much, if your personality sucks, or is just another copy of another influencer, guess who they're going to pick over you? - Create content in things you genuinely enjoy doing, Ruff loves SELF IMPROVEMENT and he TALKS ALL ABOUT IT, this is the ONLY REASON why he was able to be consistent for so long. He loved what he was doing, and because of that he just kept going. Even if I MENTIONED a bit about retention, immediately he would counter with "yeah but is the quality good?" and that's why Ruff was able to get so far as a beginner another thing, people are worried they can't monetize! SAYS WHO?! the moment Ruff hit 200k subs, he immediately started a school; charging $39 a month for his current 52 members already gets him to $2080 a month! Imagine what happens as he continues to grow and become a thought leader in his niche!!! Any questions you have about YouTube, ask away!
New comment 19d ago
1 like • 19d
@Rutuj Shah Ay bro, your editing is WAY better than mine and there's no doubt about it. I have nothing for u, and couldn't give any advice if I tried. In terms of what "top-tier Youtubers" expect, it depends on what clients you're reaching out to Mr. Beast is a top tier YouTuber who expects a very high retention type of editing to catch the attention of a younger audience, but also emphasizes the large scale of the acts he's trying to pull off. He gives the experience of a large scale game show Iman Gadzi is a top tier YouTuber who expects a much slower pace, but keeps things intense, almost like a time bomb is ticking to build slow hype and power behind every answer he gives. He also slides in motion graphics in there to help better teach his points. He gives the experience of a conversation between a master and a student Markiplier is a top tier YouTuber who has barley any editing, Sometimes it's just cuts. Sometimes there's so little editing, his editor, Lixian pops in to TALK to Markiplier! It gives a similar experience to being in a discord with your homies just enjoying life and playing games together. The only thing I can say is, create the message your client is trying to achieve. The YouTuber is the speaker, and the video is the language, and YOU (the editor) are the translator to keep the viewer from scrolling away due to confusion!
0 likes • 19d
@Shay Trequesser I love that quote “To be simple is to be complicated” and there’s another one I recently just heard that has a similar idea aha “Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself.” I’m glad you bring these questions up, and hope I see more breakdowns and knowledge checks in the future! I’ll definitely see if I can do more recordings in the future!
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Leon Tran
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Social Media Manager | Video Editor I help Content Creators create Meaningful Brands

Active 19h ago
Joined Oct 27, 2023
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