If you want to take your lead magnet to the next level pay attention... Firstly I'll start by saying this lead magnet works best for slightly warmer leads (you'll understand why in a second). It's a combination of a Google Doc sales letter and an automated lead magnet to clearly show your prospects what your offer looks like in their business based on their specific pain points. So your prospects would fill in a quick form, wait a couple minutes and get access to a 20+page google doc with specific examples (which we generated using AI) of how your offer applies to their specific circumstances... I originally got the inspiration for this from Serge who had a 160+ Google doc breaking down his offer and how to apply it but I wanted to take it to the next level by incorporating AI to show my prospects what my offer looked like in their business and provide that upfront value. This has worked very well for me on warmer leads. I've tested it with a cold audience and performance wasn't as good. It makes sense if you think about it - someone who doesn't know you won't take time out of their day to go through a long Google document for no reason.... All you need to set this up is a Google doc, a form, and a simple automation that takes the form responses and uses our friend ChatGpt to generate some ideas based on your offer and expertise. If you want a complete set-up guide check out the 15-minute video below and if you want to see an example of what this looks like in action here's my own feel free to take inspiration from it -> https://ctaoq1fxqm7.typeform.com/to/Zc1vNX79 Hope this is helpful let me know if you have any questions!