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Men of Action Forum

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4 contributions to Men of Action Forum
Introduction - Need a VA? I know 30-50; + Probably the Only Philippines Citizen Here
If you're busy and you'd like a VA from my network just message me here, you can read my story some other time. My guys/girls can do graphics, editing, data entry. It's all for free. Hey guys first of all just wanna say this project is great. MOA itself, as a YT channel is my 98% YouTube watch history in the past few months. One of the latest Skool emails really woke me up since I found Michael S.'s channel very valuable (it's 98% of my watch time, my most accurate self-assessmeent), so when I saw the "purge" email that's like losing money and women. MOA is a great project and it's actually a more objective and more civil version than other men's improvement spaces, I'll share why. Personally with the 10 or so hours I've watched from the YT channel I've come to realize you can actually make friends with just about anyone as long as they're intelligible to hold a conversation (think actually toxic woke people) in spite of their political and religious views. I've massively changed my life goals and strategy that emphasizes status, freedom (what to wear, who to be around, making the shots for where I want to go and what to do), and dating, of course. I found it immensely eye-opening and so valuable that it can give me a competitive & comparative edge over guys in my local domain (I have skillsets to build teams to handle aspects of my life, so I can build a team of health, fitness, and business staff that scales my work to levels a solopreneur will never achieve). On the dating climate here, it's saddening that nobody ever talks about kind of the psychology of modern dating. I have not found anyone famous enough to land on my feed that can contest other people's work. This is subjective and I haven't scoured the PH space for objective dating content, so there may be one, but my point is everyone relatively goes off of pop culture dating strategies here. I may actually be the only Filipino citizen in this Skool community, not sure the MOA members, haven't joined yet. Will be doing in the future. If there are other Filipino citizens (not American citizens who are racially Filipino) please let me know, would love to exchange ideas and make connections even if it's virtual for now.
New comment Aug 8
2 likes • Aug 5
@J.r. Runez Yeah brother. I'll hit you up tonight.
1 like • Aug 5
@Daniel M Nono Mabuhay brother. I'm culturally Western, but I was brought up with Filipino parents
🚨 The PURGE is coming 😮
Men of Action Forum is called Men of ACTION for a reason. Our rapidly growing community is close to breaking 5,000 members, BUT... Over HALF of the members take ZERO action in this group. The purpose of this forum is to create a collaborative space for driven men to meet, discuss, and take action on High-Status Social Networking taught by Michael Sartain. Starting Monday, August 5th, 2024 Men of Action Forum will begin removing inactive members who do not contribute to the community. Everyone with zero contributions to the forum in the last 30 days will be removed. Those who have contributed value to the group can ignore this message - thank you for being a man of ACTION. For everyone else, you have less than a week to take action and contribute value. To contribute value do three things - create valuable posts that engage other members in the community around MOA related topics, like posts you enjoy, and become a "suggestor - connector - content creator" for the community with your contributions. You got this 💪
New comment 13d ago
2 likes • Aug 3
@Ty Buchanan Thanks for announcing this. It honestly woke me up. I am a Philippine citizen (probably the only one in the community as I just did a search result and it's highly likely I am. Gonna start contributing at least once a week and share some valuable unique info here.
Most underrated and overrated destinations?
Based on your travels I'm curious to hear what you think the most underrated and overrated destinations are (country or city)? Criteria: your own personal bias. Some of mine: Overrated: Maldives Hawaii Miami Egypt Bali Seattle Peru Portugal Greece Underrated: Jordan Romania DC/Virginia Vegas (I said it) Dubai (somewhat) Panama Netherlands
New comment Aug 6
1 like • Aug 3
@Steve Estro Hey brother, it's cool that you're Filipino, I was looking for actual citizens of that country here and there actually isn't any. It's a bit sad here in the PH that nobody actually studies the psychology of dating (money, status, etc.) and it's just left to relative knowledge (family, friends, current culture - I say that as a general assessment of Filipino culture). MOA is a valuable project that added to my knowledge, great to see other people of my nationality. I'll be making a new member former lurker intro like one of the members did.
New Member Introduction from Vegas
Apologies for this being a little lengthy but I figured It was wise to get detailed so others that might want to get into or are into the health kick and join the gym and work out and build a social circle would hit me up. Also i'm just super excited feel like I won the lottery and I am on a high from all this. It's 2:00 a.m. in the morning and the caffeine buzz is wearing off. 😂 I live in my home town (graduated from high school here) of Viva Las Vegas ✌️ so if your in the Vegas area and would like to connect and work together on improving our social circle! hit me up. I fell in love with this group for three reasons 1. It reminds me of Napoleon hills chapter in his book "Think and Grow Rick called the "Master Mind" group. "The “Master Mind” may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” 2. The situation and timing of how this crossed my path. 3. Had a dream last week where I meet Mystery and Owen Cook (couple old school dating coaches) and they told me a few things , one was they were going to help me out and bring something across my path. When I seen the video on this platform of Owen interviewing Michael my jaw dropped to the floor and give me goosebumps and that's when I knew that joining this community was my destiny. Background: Raised in old school days of PUA back from 2004-2018. Lived in Philippines (was the RSD inner circle leader for the Philippines for years) for nearly a decade and had an amazing social circle there (I was the infield cameraman filming a guy's approaches for years). I've been out of the loop for a lot of years and just been spending my time with family and old friends and working as a butler. For a while I've been wanting to rebuild my inner circle & social circle to where it once was at years ago. I want to get back to having an amazing life style like I used to. I just got accepted into a school to become a certified clinical sexuality coach.
New comment Aug 3
2 likes • Aug 3
Hey brother, I stumbled upon your post as I was looking for Philippines citizens. It's cool how RSD actually had operations here (PH citizen). I was curious about kegels from skimming on your post and now I've set time to learn about it as a side mission to improving how I improve my relationships.
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Kyle Cacal
38points to level up
💻Freelance Worker 👥Community Creator 📍Philippines (Nomadic) 📍THA/VIE Next

Active 21d ago
Joined Mar 2, 2024
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