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712 contributions to Men of Action Forum
Social media relationships
I have discovered something I have noticed for quite some time well in theory I’m still testing it out to see the out come of it, more so the predicting the future of relationship's. but if a guy has more pictures with his girlfriend I think or (guarantee) that relationship isn’t gonna last granted she will probably have at least 5 or 6 pictures with him and her status says in a relationship but is she truly in a relationship? Woman are great at advertising themselves on social media then men but what does it say about that relationship if he has 30 or more pictures with his current girlfriend and she only has 6? Or am I wrong? 🤔
New comment 6h ago
1 like • 7h
I cannot remember the official source, but I remember reading a report about a correlation between relationship success versus social media posts. Couples that post more posed photos of themselves typically have less relationship success versus those who keep their relationship private. Some rational discussed was that those who posted more may have done so to make their relationship seem stronger than what it was (more superficial) versus those who kept it private and prioritized the actual experience of the relationship itself. My opinion... a man that posts more of his partner than the partner posts of them probably has more investment than the other person (think about the whole "leaning in" thing with guys versus partners in photos). Someone is always at a "disadvantage" in a relationship and their sexual mating strategies... IMO, it is pretty rare to see a truly 50/50 relationship where both partners are deeply invested in the other.
1 like • 7h
Kinda of similar to the correlation between wedding costs and divorce rates. The showier the relationship/display of relationship, the higher correlation to the relationship ending.
What are some icebreakers or conversation starters you use in high-status social settings?
This is one of the biggest hurdles I've seen guys struggle with, so let's throw some ideas and examples for everyone to benefit from. I'll start with my favourite ones: High-status man: "Hey boss, good to meet you! Are you also here just for the free food?" Attractive woman: "I swear you are the worst girlfriend ever! You don't call, you don't visit, and you just left me to take care of the dog all by myself. I'm breaking up with you." I particularly like to use humour as an icebreaker, but it does take delivering it with the right tonality and body language for it to work. Also, be calibrated enough to know when humour would actually be appropriate. Let's see yours!
New comment 8h ago
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"How do you know [event host name]?" "Hey, have you meet [name] yet?" (be the connector) (next to a group that you are listening in on the conversation) "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear [topic of their discussion]..." "Would you like a quick video (or photo) for your IG story?" (whip out the phone and ring light, exchange IGs) ***I recommend "How To Talk to Anyone" by Leil Lowndes for other tips on starting and maintaining conversation with anyone
Working with famous people
I'm working with a guy named Dupreez Strauss (google him). My media team is shooting for a fashion event he's doing this weekend. How would you extract as much value from this guy as possible? 😂 Obviously I'm not gonna ask from money, but I gotta get something outta this 🤧
New comment 8h ago
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Karim beat me to it lol. Add value without asking anything in return. That will set you apart from everyone else who seeks just to get something from him.
Small city conquest
If you've created a scene in your town or small city, talk to me brother. I need to capture your wisdom. I'm in Bloemfontein, South Africa 🇿🇦 It's the provincial capital but one of the smaller cities in SA. A few universities, a couple colleges, some festivals, some clubs, and a small ish art scene... I've got a media team (3-5 photographers), I collect numbers and IGs I also own a boutique spa (2 employees) & I'm a talent manager (model, & musician)(because of this MOA method 😂) How hard should I keep stepping on the gas? What are the advantages of a small city that I can exploit? What do I need to look out for?
New comment 8h ago
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Benefits of small cities: no one else is doing what MOA teaches. Big fish in a small pond and it is easy to make yourself stand out/build your status. Drawbacks... it's a small pond. You can only work with what is available to do. If a scene doesn't exist, you have to step up to create it and create things that DRAW the type of people you want to come to you. The shortcut is to find a location that has everything you already want, and move or visit often. If you are fishing in a pond for red fish and all that lives in the pond are yellow fish, I don't care if you are the best red fisherman in the world... it will be IMPOSSIBLE to catch a yellow fish. If you are fishing a pond with mainly yellow fish, and 1-2 red fish, you MIGHT catch a red fish, but the odds are much lower and you have to work much harder. If you find a pond with mainly red fish with a few yellow fish, the amount of work you have to put in is drastically reduced. In the military, we say "amateurs train in tactics; professionals train in logistics." The "set-up" and focus on gaining resources that create strong leverage from your environment can create asymmetric results versus one-on-one on the street tactics.
2 likes • 8h
@Dingiswayo M People are people. Women and men have innate "programs" hardwired into us across the globe. Read "Evolution of Desire" by Dr. David Buss to get an in-depth look and what I am talking about.
MoA Style Photographers in LA
Anyone know of any?
New comment 11h ago
0 likes • 11h
Check out guys who are members of the forum that live in LA and check out their IGs. If you find one that resembles what you are looking for, send them a DM and start networking with them. 💪
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Ty Buchanan
5,716points to level up
Helping men build elite-level social circles with amazing women and high-status men.

Active 6h ago
Joined Feb 22, 2023
Greencastle, IN
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