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Facilitator Club

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24 contributions to Facilitator Club
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Hey facilitator community. I am working on two specific topics for my clients. One is helping them to find employees and the other one is bringing presentation skills to another Level. I would like to Focus on one of these. Finding employees seems to be more urgent, for presentation I see a bigger target group. What is your experience?
8 members have voted
New comment May 20
1 like • May 14
@Sebastian Sterz Exactly. They way I see it, if they are going to recruit more employees (ie maybe at job fairs, job recruitments at colleges, etc.) they need to design their game plan first and create the vision points that they want to allure the right candidate. If a candidate isn't confident that the company has their act together (which is visible via the presentation), they will move on and say NEXT!
1 like • May 14
@Sebastian Sterz Indeed. An HR not aware of the NEXT button could be part of the problem in not being innovative enough to attract their right hire.
Calling Freelancers/Solopreneurs running Design Sprints
Hi there! I am on my journey to become a full time freelance facilitator and I decided to participate in the Design Sprint Masterclass to improve my toolkit. Until now my experience running Design Sprints has been in a company, where I always had other people in my team for support and to do various tasks. Also, in the Masterclass AJ&Smart talks a lot about the sprint from a company point of view, again with a lot of people and resources involved. This is why I would like to get some experience from other facilitators doing design sprints solo as freelancers, and what are your tips and challenges. If you have some input regarding the following (but not exclusively), I would be very grateful: 1. How do you deal with the preparation be it live or remotely, do you have any support, do you do everything alone, do you involve the client? For example for all the onboarding meetings, prep meetings, meeting organisation, prepping the room, snacks and drinks etc. 2. How do you deal with facilitating alone? In my experience it is hard to be attentive to every aspect of such a complex workshop, especially in some more demanding exercises. Do you enlist a co-facilitator from the client, do you have someone that can jump in when you need? Other ideas or tips? 3. How do you deal with all the work behind user recruiting and organising the user tests? Do you delegate to the client? Do you onboard someone to do it for you or do you handle everything at the same time? 4. Prototyping: Again, how do you juggle the work involved in this phase? Do you offer building the prototype yourself or do you give this to-do to the clients design team? And what if the client does not have a design team or resources to create the prototype themselves? 5. Finally, what are your deliverables at the end of the sprint and the timings between the end of the sprint and getting your results to the client? Hopefully this is not too much, looking forward to reading your experiences!
New comment 20d ago
4 likes • May 14
You indeed have a lot of questions. Masterclass or not, the ultimate test is just diving in and designing some templates of ideas that you could explore. While these processes work in a corporate world to serve as a reminder to back up and let's discuss what's getting us all knotted up and having a lack of progression, it can also be outlined out like you do if you were to teach. For example, for over a decade I have been teaching ESL (English as a 2nd Language) to adult learners. Each semester, I back up and redesign my courses with different themes and instilling various critical thinking, impressionable visuals, and allowing them to derive some of their own conclusions. In a sense it is no different than having a "Design Sprint" with each lesson I do for the adult learners such that they feel that they have added value through being interactive and learning something new in the end. When I work with different hosts/organizations of my teaching, I ask them for their guidance, details about their student's typical backgrounds, and finding some measurable goals that they desire for the outcome. I present some ideas of the concepts and the methodology of the approach I'm going to take, but I have the carte blanche to decide how to take their visions to the outcome they desire. Teaching, in a sense is no different from being a facilitator. I'm not responsible for drilling concepts into their minds; I'm responsible for creating students that can take what they learn and apply it to real world conversations and actions. I hope that my analogy helps to answer some of your questions and/or gives you some fresh ideas to the approaches you may do in the future.
Ideas for exercises.
We were asked by an onboarding team to look at the following and possibly create a workshop. What questions would you ask before setting up a workshop and what exercises might you use? - Address leader concerns with processes and gaps related to onboarding and communication with new hires - Plan for a day-in-the-life of a new hire Would be great to hear peoples feedback. Thank you, R
New comment May 14
0 likes • May 14
I wonder -- if doing an exercise in each person identifying some of the best qualities that they feel that they possess... and then repeating the exercise identifying some of the best qualities that they see in their coworkers might be a great onboarding exercise -- especially in light that they are working on identifying qualities seeking in new hires -- this might give a collection of qualities they are seeking in new hires. Another exercise would be to take those qualities into focus on how might we lure those qualities to the company's culture ... where they are going to best be able to find those type of quality hires... and how are they going to maintain those qualities through training and workshops to empower those hires to hone on sharpening their qualities to best work within the culture of expression and exploration to a new and better company of the future.
Gender Inclusion & Diversity
My client is looking for a way to incorporate more inclusive and diverse icons of gender into his dashboards for training. Are these images attached acceptable globally? Any other suggestions?
New comment May 17
Gender Inclusion & Diversity
2 likes • May 14
I get it about Gender Inclusion and Diversity, but is that the only think that they are reaching out for? Instead of creating maybe overdone or possibly offensive symbols, why not show it? The above only says Women and Men inclusion. The one on the right looks like it would be on the bathroom, but it isn't really all that inclusive is it? My corporation that I work for has many ARG (Associate Resource Groups) that demonstrate by example that they are DEI in the workforce. I'm a Board Member on one of the ARGs called Limitless ARG (for example). Limitless refers to those who have visible and invisible limitations and offer many workshops, activities, and so much awareness so that more associates strive for inclusion of all their coworkers, and beyond. I would prefer to take away a focus away from being focused on symbols/icons and more focused on the action of doing and demonstration how the corporation is going to be involved with being more inclusive -- by being open hearts with open minds.
UX Design
To amplify my skills, I'm considering taking the UX Design course. Several of my friends have thought about taking it, but IDK how many have crossed that threshold to actually take it. Any thoughts about taking UX Design. Is it still a valuable skillset???
1-10 of 24
Kathryn Davis
27points to level up
I teach critical thinking adult ESL classes by way of conversation, American History, and Book Clubs;facilitate "meeting of the minds" mtgs since 1996

Active 74d ago
Joined Apr 9, 2024
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