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3 contributions to Synthesizer School
For those who procrastinate starting a youtube channel (Synthesizer School exclusive post)
i uploaded a video today after months of inconsistency, procrastination and self sabotage. but before uploading it i contemplated for 30 mins i was watching the video back and i could see all my imperfections. My acne, my weight gain, dandruff falling on my shoulders, i don't speak well or articulate well i feel so cringe and i hate how i look. but there's one mindset that i applied which is to treat my youtube journey as a life long documentary. one day when i do get out of a rut, lose weight, remove acne, speak better and remove procrastination, i will have this video showcasing a hard evidence of my transformation. (before and after) don't be like me, don't put off things because it's not perfect. it will probably never be perfect but we can always improve. don't think about step 100, just focus on step 1 like @Andrew Kirby said in the past Start, then learn.
New comment Mar 20
8 years It took me to overcome my camera fear!
You see it took 8 years for me to get over my camera shyness. I tried over and over and over and over again, but nothing worked ever! I always always wanted to start a YouTube channel but I never could, due to so many limiting beliefs fighting in my head. I just distracted myself with building my skills building businesses helping people with marketing and so on… But none of those distracting things harmed me rather, it helped me to build the confidence to teach people something. But, still, I was missing out on what I really wanted, YOUTUBE. It was only because of my friend @Ali Alqaraghuli, that I was able to do it! He helped me immensely to work through my beliefs and post videos. He will be able to tell you more about how he did this magic with systematic actions! I will tell you a crazy recent one, this month he challenged me, we have to post one video a day starting February 2nd until February 28th. And, if we miss a day we have to pay the other person $1000 bucks. CRAAAZZZYY, Right? I had to do it. And today, I can gladly say I am finally at a point where I can share a video I made on my channel.
New comment Feb 19
3 likes β€’ Feb 15
i cringe so much when i record myself infront of a camera, but i will still keep uploading videos no matter what!
i made $10,000/month 6 times it's skill not luck
I recorded this a while ago and thought I'd share it! Let me know what you think?
New comment Jan 22
2 likes β€’ Jan 18
it was so fun watching you spit knowledge and game while enjoying and interacting with nature! i recently started a 2nd youtube channel (not for the algorithm) but to solve my MAIN current constraint because i'm so bad at speaking and conveying my words to a camera. so i started recording more videos specifically just to be more confident and comfortable with speaking (i'm really bad at this, i'm the kind of guy who has to plan his words before he orders something at a restaurant πŸ˜‚) i also record in nature like this because it's more comfortable for me, because at home my family can hear me talk, and i'm not comfortable yet sharing that i'm doing youtube. but the downside is that, when i'm recording outside i get distracted a lot with birds, random things happening and i always go to a random tangent and just fk it up πŸ˜‚ but yeah man, i really love it when someone just records a simple video, no flashy edits, with nature and just dish out wisdom..
1-3 of 3
Julius Ceasar Narte
10points to level up
i'm a life long player of this infinite game called "life" Born in philippines, living in australia

Active 5h ago
Joined Jan 30, 2024
Melbourne Australia
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