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49 contributions to Synthesizer School
What do you guys think of AI automated content? - p.s. sorry I've been so inactive I've been really focused on growing my channel and made some great leaps forward!
What will happen with AI-generated content on YouTube? It's going to reach a point where it's nearly indistinguishable, if not exactly that, from other content. However, the speed at which people are using AI automation will vastly outpace anything we could manually do. This will pose a problem. We will be overwhelmed by sheer volume. I'm wondering what everyone's take on this is. Do you think YouTube will make it difficult for people to monetize this content? Or will they just leave it as it is for them? I'm completely okay with this journey taking a decade. What I'm not okay with is this journey taking a decade only for YouTube to change so dramatically that it becomes impossible to succeed. I don't want to be the voice of doom. I just want to know people's opinions on this, as I think it's incredibly important. Thanks, peeps!
New comment Apr 1
1 like • Mar 31
@Henry Catchpole Yes well this is actually in the back of mind "should I just start making AI content" at least to some degree, I'd still use my own voice because why not but I mean just automating basically everything else, I really don't like it as it's inauthentic but if AI is just doming me (this means destroying me competively in Mancunian slang hahaha) then a part of me is thinking, well just go and start doing it then, or at least start a side channel?(and it's weird because I actually make content ABOUT AI but I don't automate any of it). Many things to consider, adapt to suTHRIVE hahaha, just made that up, not bad actually hahaha, suTHRIVE, deffo my new word.
1 like • Apr 1
@Henry Catchpole I'm not necessarily worried, more curious with a slight bit "hmmm what's gonna happen here" haha. Saw this new AI called SORA, and it's impressive. There's a big-shot film director who even scrapped his whole $800 millilion dollar studio after seeing it. I'm not scared of shoddy AI content (most will be!), but what if it gets to "make a viral video" level? Scary thought! That's why I'm considering learning it. Get ahead of the curve, you know? And yeah maybe even a separate channel just to experiment. Definitely a time commitment, but hey, maybe worth the risk! Appreciate the concern though dude!
Which thumbnail would you click on?
20 members have voted
New comment Sep '23
Self-Improvement Echo Chamber Thought Experiment!
If anyone can spare a moment or finds it intriguing, I invite you to engage in a thought experiment with me. Let's explore the notion that self-improvement may not always be as valuable as it's often made out to be. I'm going to create a video based on the most compelling argument I receive. I think it's essential to break free from echo chambers, even if it means challenging our own firmly held beliefs. Convince me that pursuing anything other than hedonistic pleasures and instant gratification is ultimately futile. (I encourage you to embark on this exercise if you, like me, have found yourself caught in your own mental echo chamber or surrounded by like-minded individuals.)
New comment Sep '23
2 likes • Aug '23
@Muzafar Ahmed Excellent said dude but you've left me wanting to hear your answer to the second question, hedonic pleasure and instant gratification. I wanna hear what you have to say haha.
I Synthesized Andrew's Mastermind Transcript - Part 1 - Packaging
If you haven't read this yet you are literally missing out on pure gold. I genuinely considered not putting this post up. I didn't want to draw attention to the golden advice as in all fairness quite a few of you are my competition hahaha, but... I'm a nice guy so here you go: 1. YouTube is about getting clicks: The main goal of YouTube content is to attract clicks from viewers. 2. Engagement metrics matter: Different engagement metrics are crucial for determining the success of a video. 3. Appealing to a broader audience: When creating content, think beyond a niche and try to attract a wider audience. 4. Packaging is essential: How you package your video with a compelling thumbnail and title is crucial for attracting clicks. 5. Think about the viewers' interests: Consider what interests your audience and frame your video accordingly. 6. Creating clickable titles: Use titles that spark curiosity and encourage viewers to click, rather than just descriptive ones. 7. Overcoming objections: Address potential objections in the title to make viewers want to find the answer in the video. 8. Thumbnail and title testing: Split test different thumbnails and titles to find the most effective combination. 9. Keeping it simple: Simplify your thumbnails to make them easily recognizable in a split second, especially on mobile. 10. Asking for feedback: Seek feedback on potential thumbnails and titles from others to improve your packaging. 11. Packaging is a skill to learn: Instead of relying on external help, learn the psychology behind packaging yourself. 12. Keyword optimization: Use relevant keywords in titles for better chances of appearing in suggested videos. 13. Packaging drives brand recognition: Consistent and effective packaging helps build a strong brand identity on YouTube. 14. Length consideration: Consider the viewer's preference for video length and try to maintain a consistent length for your content. 15. Understanding viewer preferences: Create an incognito avatar to understand what type of content your potential viewers are interested in.
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@Joao Silva no worries dude and thanks mate haha, yeah I genuinely am a pretty nice guy don't know if you can say about yourself hahaha, which reminds me, I need to release part 2. Thanks Joao!
2 likes • Aug '23
@Safia Matabaro No problem Safia!
I've gained more subscribers in a week then I have done in 2 years.
In the past week, I've seen a surge in new subscribers that surpasses my total growth over the past two years. This sudden increase doesn't guarantee continuous explosive growth, but it underscores the immense impact a handful of compelling videos can have. It's the man mining for gold who turns back when it was just one more pickaxe away versus the pain who never stops. It serves as a reminder of the significance of ongoing self-improvement, even when immediate results are elusive. Eventually, your dedication will yield substantial leaps forward, just as I experienced. For an entire year, my subscriber count remained stagnant, but I persevered. Now, armed with this recent breakthrough, I'm determined to press on still and had it not happened, I would have continued anyway and if it doesn't happen again for another 2 years, I will continue, I will never stop, and this is how you take control of your life. Alex Hormozi says it best "pick one thing and get really really good at it and it's nearly impossible you will fail". - Sorry Hormozi I probably butchered that quote abit. Remember, success on this platform isn't a linear trajectory; it's an unpredictable and uneven voyage. Challenges will arise, but by remaining persistent, maintaining consistency, and continuously honing your skills, the eventual payoff is inevitable. I assure you, the hard work will be worth it in the end. Compound, compound, compound. It's the equation for anything you want in this world.
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
@Efe Ateş Thanks Efe i appreciate it dude! Still a long way to go but it's good to have these moments which remind you that you actually are helping people and growing as a business.
1-10 of 49
Ben Cowan
251points to level up
If you're interested in Comp Sci, AI and Tech in general, check my YouTube out here:

Active 10h ago
Joined Jul 30, 2023
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