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Facilitator Club

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4 contributions to Facilitator Club
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
1 like • Jun '23
@Hernan Pereyra Oviedo Saludos desde Buenos Aires
6 likes • Dec '23
Hi, I'm from Argentina, Buenos Aires
What are your top tips for setting yourself up as a freelance workshopper?
One of the great things about what we do is you can do it as an employee or go out and become your own company. Whilst the later comes with amazing benefits there are a lot of areas that need to be considers… Like - What does it take to set myself up as a business or do I just contract in. - If I am setting myself up as a business am I a sole trader.. registering by business - Defining your purpose and setting clear goals yearly, quarterly - Defining your target customers, products, services and financials. Whilst this is a passion space for a lot of us, you still need to understand your revenue needs. - Branding and marketing - What do you need to set yourself up… physically, technology - Contracts for engagements - How to build a pipeline, managing you customer base Making sure you get work life balance! Would be interested in hearing and learning from each other on what made sense for you and what you would like to share with the rest of the community…
New comment May 17
0 likes • Jul '23
@Kerri Price I would also be happy to get the template. email:
How to sell permanent facilitation services to companies?
Hello dear friends, I would like to know what strategy or arguments you use so that companies hire services from external facilitators on a permanent basis. And not only when the company detects a specific problem to solve. Thank you.
New comment May '23
1 like • Apr '23
@Benedict Odjobo Dear, I think it's an excellent idea. Let me tell you that I have worked for many years in the public administration of government and it is a sector where meetings abound all the time. I am available to help in whatever you need. successes.
0 likes • May '23
@Benedict Odjobo Esteemed, in government administrations you live holding meetings of all kinds and purposes. One challenge is being able to demonstrate the value you can offer to those who make the decisions to hire you. Another very important component is political color. Staying out of political identification is not easy and it can be difficult to work with all government organizations with different political persuasions. there is a challenge there. but i think you have a great job niche
I introduce myself
Hello community. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. My training is eclectic, I have a degree in international trade; Actor; Mago and for a few years I have been training in topics such as Innovation, Agile Methodologies, design thinking and I am studying the career of ontological coach. My interest in becoming a facilitator and generating networks. My weakness is that I don't have a very good command of the English language, but I always find alternatives to understand. I read the book SPRINT by Jake Knapp (in Spanish...) and I am open to talks in Spanish. Thank you so much
New comment Mar '23
0 likes • Mar '23
Shanon, Thank you very much dear. I have seen some of your contributions and found them very interesting. In response to your question, I am open to collaboration ideas and joint developments. In whatever I can help from Argentina, I am available. My conversation in English is very bad, but I can understand something by listening and what is written can always be translated. At your command for whatever you need. hug
1-4 of 4
Germán Suarez
2points to level up
I am an Actor and a magician, as well as a graduate in International Trade. I am interested in everything related to innovation, creativity and art.

Active 26d ago
Joined Mar 18, 2023
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