Mariah, Find Your Niche is so simple, so clear, and so effective, I almost cried with relief at the end. I’ve been providing a valuable service, but being available and on call all the time is exhausting. I needed a change, although I love what I do. I spent this past weekend on Find Your Niche, doing everything exactly as you described. When you told us to probe into our expertise, our training, our ability to say, “Oh, I can help you with that!”, I went to Reddit and Quora to find out what my people were asking for, and not getting any answers. They were making cynical comments about not getting the help they need to do the tasks they are required to do for their jobs. The comments were getting 250 likes and upvotes! I have years of experience and advanced knowledge in that very field. I was them 10 years ago. So thank you. ❤️