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Men of Action: Forum

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14 contributions to Men of Action: Forum
What’s everyone’s opinion on Donald Trump?
Interested to see everyone’s thoughts 🤔
44 members have voted
New comment 16d ago
1 like • 21d
I’m Canadian I’m jealous we don’t have a business-minded leader like him north of the border. Can’t be well-liked and please people at the same time or else you’ll fail miserably like Trudeau.
Build a 2000 girls list (in 30 minutes)
Here's how I did it. (my IG is @brenogpc btw) The problem with the manual method: If you go through a hot girl's profile... These girls travel a lot. She'll have female friends from all over the country/world. Your list won't be concise or location-specific. You'll need to click one by one, and check where they're from. Then click another girl, check her friends, add to list, rinse repeat. Takes days of work. The problem with an IG scraper/automation: Your list will be full of nonsense and random pages. If the goal is to have a list with 2000 women that YOU find attractive... You can't automate this. The solution: You only need to identify ONE major nightclub, and ONE popular guy in your city. Not a girl... A guy. Some guy in your city will have the exact same taste as you. - Nightclub has to be frequented by your EXACT TYPE of girl (if you don't know what your exact type is, first define that). - Guy can be a promoter, or just someone popular with your specific niche of girls. - Both the club and the guy will follow around 2k people. Most of these will be girls. Method: 1. Open the 2 profiles in a web browser 2. Click in their "Following" 3. Select ALL profiles, scroll all the way to the bottom. trust, they'll only follows hot girls. 4. Copy/paste all profiles into a sheet 5. There will be duplicates. Remove the "profile picture" entry duplicates by using a filter "-contains "profile picture" -> delete". 6. You'll be left with a list that is "username", and in the line below "name". You want these 2 separate, not in the same column. Separate names/usernames with chatgpt. Then paste each list on a column side by side. Great thing about this method is, you spend 30 minutes researching the 1 nightclub and the 1 guy. But 80% people in your finished list will be attractive/influential girls that are exactly your type. You can send to GPT filter only females. I left it as-is.
New comment Dec '24
0 likes • Dec '24
Man is playing 4D chess with this idea. Good job Breno. Definitely doing this
Going Out Sober
I’ve been sober for almost 4 years and I love every second of it. Alcohol never got me anywhere with women and only created problems in life. It set me back in the gym and I spent the following day recovering and trying to correct mistakes I made the previous day/night. If someone asks me if I want a drink, I usually just decline and say “no thanks, I’m not drinking tonight.” I always thought I’d need some drawn out explanation but people are usually satisfied with that response. I’m comfortable with having water or even a mocktail or red bull on ice. I highly recommend considering quitting. It’ll not only help your wallet but will allow you to remember the people you’re meeting, conversations you’re having and create more of the connections and relationships we all ultimately want. You’ll be more charismatic, a better listener, more calibrated and overall better conversationalist. The confidence you create will be real as opposed to fake and temporary.
New comment Dec '24
1 like • Dec '24
That’s great man! Sobriety is the best way to live
[FREE Live Call] 2025 Women & Money System
Gentlemen... Next Wednesday (12/11), I'm hosting a free call. I'm discussing the new strategy in 2025 to date hot women... Without using dating apps or cold approaching. I'll explain how I play more video games than most Call of Duty pros... And spend less than 20 minutes per week on my dating life... (While going on dates with GORGEOUS girls). It's all through something I call the "Reverse Approach"... Where women come to me... And fight for MY attention... Even though there are better-looking men she could have picked instead (It's because looks and money don't matter with my strategy). I'm revealing how I do all of this... AND my NEW dating strategy in 2025 on the call next week. The caveat? You need to be level 2 here in the Forum to join. How do you do that? Write good posts or comments... And get five likes. Super simple. To join the call... Just click the calendar in Skool and add the event to your calendar. See you next week. -Michael P.S. What's the "MONEY" part of this call's name? I'll discuss some new money-making strategies for 2025 that are popping off right now. You should be able to implement these right away.
New comment Dec '24
7 likes • Dec '24
Definitely looking forward to this one forsure
BIG update to Men of High-Status Networking...
For everyone who is currently a member of the group as of Nov 21 2024, CONGRATS! You have free access to this group for life. In order to prevent scammers and keep the quality of the members high, we have moved over to a $5/mo subscription model for this page. This starts today. This will keep out everyone joining to SPAM you with messages to join their "get rich quick" groups or other violations of our community rules. Reply below if you have questions 💪
New comment Dec '24
3 likes • Nov '24
Dope great news!
1-10 of 14
Damion Campbell
32points to level up
Video Producer based in Toronto, ON.

Active 8d ago
Joined Mar 21, 2023
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