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Facilitator Club

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20 contributions to Facilitator Club
Team Charter Suggestions?
Hi FC! Does anyone have a helpful framework/approach to creating a team charter? I will be working with 2 small teams that make up a larger team and they want to define how they work together. Any templates, exercises, tips, etc. is greatly appreciated. I'd like to keep the session at about 1.5-2 hours. Thank you!
New comment Jan 9
2 likes • Jan 2
Thanks sam! very interesting. I work a lot with the Lencione pyramid and have them define MART goals on each element of the pyramid and then have them prioritize using the voting dots.
0 likes • Jan 3
@Sam Donaldson Hey Sam. I have to do a workdshop for 2 teams with different prio's. I wanted to start wit "common goal". Do you recommend doing the house exercise with different teams that has differen goals but have to wordk together?
Team workshop: Goal: everyone is important
Hy, I have to do a workshop for small groups of 5 participants. The goals of the exercise is to emphasize that every one in the company is important. We can not function if one role is out. Does anyone has a good exercise? Duration of workshop = 30 min
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
WoW looks like a veel power full approach! Just to complicate to implement for now because it’s people from different shops and here they will be in random teams. But I see the big advantage to implement in their own teams !! Thans a lot
1 like • Nov '23
@Coco Curry yes and it encourage to open up and involve everyone! great exercise
Your best exercises to improve team communication
Dear fellows, I'm sitting at a new concept around team communication and would be happy if you would like to share your best exercise and ideas around the topic - Improve team communication Thanks in advance 😍
New comment Nov '23
0 likes • Nov '23
Insight discovery.(Disc) so powerfull!!
First workshopper task 🥳
Hi everyone ❤️ So amazed to be part of this 🫶🏽 In November, I am hosting my first - of many, hopefully, workshop with my colleagues- trying to improve the happiness and positivity- and also of course the productivity in my team 🤩 I have been thinking of using the workshopper playbook’s framework as my playbook for this, just to lean up against something - but I’m missing some kind of icebreaker- so I’m hoping one you you smarties would have the golden idea for this 🤩 Thank you so much in advance 🥳
New comment Oct '23
2 likes • Oct '23
I also like to start by setting participants face to face for 3 minutes and they have to find at least 15 similarities (anything). We turn 3 or times so they connected with 3 to 4 persons. This create a great energy and connection for the rest of the day
How to facilitate "boring" information?
I'll give a training for managers where I will define 4 roles. This means that I have to go over the theory of the 4 roles, 4 times the same structure. Of course after each role I will ask them some questions like. "how important is that role for you? what do you have to develop to achieve, how for is this from your comfort zone? They will have to discuss that in duo. Does anyone know how to animate such kind of training? Btw. I will introduce a LEGO exercise to energize a little. Its mainly the theory that I'm looking to facilitate.
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
Thank you all for the ideas and inputs. Andra helped me to finalise the workshop and I thinks we have a good one. The workshop is 14/9. I will surely give feedback and share the flow and successes with you all! Thanks a million 🙏🙏
4 likes • Sep '23
Hey, I want to thank you all for the good advise !! and a very special thanks to @Andra. It was a big succes. I love to share my approach. Hopefully it benefit others. 1. Setting the scene: I used the sailboat. to determine the goal, the strengths and the pains. 2. I used the "coach café" method so they could discover the theory by themselves. This was amazing!!! Topic was "the 4 roles of middle management". Every table represented a role. It were small table groups of 4 people. First they appointed a "facilitator" to make sure everyone contributed, stay to the topic and keep track of time. Then the they had to read a paper whit theory. At the back I had a colored paper with reflection questions or exercises. They LOVED the fact that they could talk to peers about common issues concerning the topic . It was not just random talk, but a structured conversation based on a theory. 3. After the set together around 1 role (app 1h) they had to make a MindTap to structure it all 4. To end it all the voted 12 skills (3 for each role) by voting dots. The placed those 12 skille on a wheel (rfc wheel of life) and scored themselves on a scale from 0 to 10. So they have a visual of a clear action plan that they can share with their +1. SO they had a theory, a rich conversation with peers and a action plan at the end !!
1-10 of 20
Caroline Van de Venne
7points to level up
L&D manager - Trainer - Leadership coach - Body language coach - Facilitator

Active 149d ago
Joined Jun 14, 2023
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