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9 contributions to Synthesizer School
Why use ThriveCart?
Hey all, I've seen people like Hamza and Andrew using Thrivecart, and I'm just wondering what is special about it? (From what I can see it's just another landing page builder/cart software) Why use Thrivecart? What is so great about it? (I'm genuinely curious, if you use it please let me know what's good and bad about it!) For context, I currently use Kartra, and I say this because I'm looking at the one-time lifetime account offer for Thrivecart and wondering if it's worth the switch. Would appreciate any and all input! Cameron
Hello all!
My name is Cameron and I'm very grateful to be part of this community of Synthesisers! My main focus right now is on my Youtube channel @cameron04 and building a really strong community over there. I look forward to connecting, learning and levelling up with you all!
New comment Jun '23
2 likes β€’ May '23
@Owen Sheasby Thank you for the reminder bro! I'll definitely see you in a call soon!
1 like β€’ May '23
@Jerry Travis That's amazing to hear bro! So glad it was able to serve you, it's pretty much everything I learnt that I thought would be helpful to someone looking to do the same thing. Out of curiosity - what's one thing you took away from the video that you are going to apply/try out?
Script or No script?
To all my fellow youtubers, do you use a script? I am starting out on youtube and would like to know how your script writing process transforms into your video. Do you read the script word for word, do you make bullet points and talk freely? I am finding it that when I use a script I sound like a robot and talk slower. I think it is more natural and authentic to just use bullet points and talk freely but I would like to hear how other people go about this process. Let me know!
New comment May '23
1 like β€’ May '23
I've found that it depends on the type of video you're making. For example - for an upcoming video I'm working on, I scripted literally every single word I read, because it's a more "high-edited", philosophical(?)-type video that I had specific stories and points I wanted to get across. For the more educational type videos, I've done some with full scripts, some (like the video I uploaded this morning) off of just a couple key dot points, and both works. I'm incorporating a blend now - like people above have said, when you script it all out it can feel like you're being a bit "robotical", and when you're doing it off the cuff/a couple dot points, it does create more room for authenticity. In the case that I'm not writing a whole script, I like to really think about what key points I need to get across to still provide value, and then the rest just comes to me and I cut all the fat out + bad takes in editing. Hope that makes sense bro lol
I need your help!
Hey guys, my best video is about me beating my favourite game of all time, Super Mario Galaxy 2 after 12 years. I spent 100+ hours creating, filming, and editing this thing... But I've never been able to get the thumbnail and title to do it justice. I've tried multiple changes, but since the video was published on Feb 11, 2023 it has had an average CTR of 3.2%. I don't want to give up on the video though, as I put so much time and care into it, and want it to be able to perform at the level it is capable of by at least getting the CTR to a reasonable level. So, I open the floor to the Synthesizer community. Do you have any ideas for a thumbnail/title? What would you do/change about the packaging, or is the video that isn't good enough? (Because I think the idea is great, I just need to package it much better to make it so that the viewer has to click on it) Who: Me and my younger brother What: Beating our childhood favourite game after 12 years Where: In my younger brother's room (@cameron04 on youtube if you want to take a look at the current title + thumbnail for yourself) The current title is: "I Beat the Greatest Video Game Ever Created", and the original title was "I Beat Super Mario Galaxy 2 After 12 Years". I've attached 4 of the many thumbnails that I created. I would love to hear any and all of your suggestions! Cameron
New comment Jun '23
2 likes β€’ May '23
@Steve Huynh That's a very good point Steve, the video has just shy of 10k impressions.. I recall that when I posted the video, it steadily gained impressions + views but the CTR was abysmal (around 2%) which I'm pretty sure was the bottleneck, although you're right, I've noticed that too that as your video gets pushed to a wider audience, the CTR drops. The thing with this one is that the CTR was never that high, so I'm assuming that means the thumbnail wasn't a winner?
1 like β€’ May '23
@Steve Huynh Good one Steve, I'll keep an eye on the impressions, definitely a better indicator than CTR (I changed the thumbnail of one of my other videos a couple days ago and noticed it led to a couple thousand more impressions, and an increase in CTR which is definitely a sign that it worked). Thank you for watching the video by the way, I'm working on more videos like this and like you said whenever one blows up it will lift up the rest. Appreciate the insight man!
A Message To Consultants: Things are Changing
This is a message for Consultants. Specifically someone who sells coaching or a course to help people solve their problems. In 2022 I: - Spent two days in LA with Sam Ovens (on track to become billionaire) - Spoke with Alex Hormozi ($200m/year portfolio) - Spoke (and worked) with MrBeast (130m subscribers) - Spoke with Cole Gordon ($2,000,000/month) - Met Bas Slot in Lisbon twice ($1,000,000/month) My conclusion after all of this was simple: This industry is changing… The smartest people have noticed, and are already taking advantage of this shift. Everyone else will be left behind. Watch these clips (5-10 mins) to spot the shift. - Clip from Sam Ovens - Tweet from Alex Hormozi - Another tweet from Alex Hormozi - Clip from Cole Gordon (making $2m/m+) - Clip from All In Podcast (all four are Billionaires) - Clip from Alex Hormozi Watch those clips before reading on. They're short. Here's how I see things changing: - Direct Response β†’ Brand - Ads β†’ Content - Selling β†’ Giving And to me, this is a GREAT SHIFT. Thank fuck this industry is FINALLY maturing. It's no longer enough to have flashy marketing and great sales skills. You have to build a brand. Over the past few months I’ve hinted at this shift quite a few times, and how I've used it to make $100,000/month profit (and sometimes even $90,000 in a day). I've made a: - 33 minute Loom video explaining this new model - 21 minute Loom video explaining how I got 600,000 subscribers using this model - Free course explaining how to build a great community - Loom video I sent to Alex Hormozi about using trends to grow an audience when he asked me to help him grow his YouTube - Notion page explaining the lessons I learned about YouTube growth from speaking with MrBeast - Google Doc explaining the content system that grows your audience in just two hours per week
New comment Jan 30
2 likes β€’ May '23
Yes, absolutely! Would be an amazing resource to have
1-9 of 9
Cameron Graham
15points to level up
the world belongs to the DREAMERS... 😴🌠

Active 3d ago
Joined May 19, 2023
Melbourne, Australia
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