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Facilitator Club

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5 contributions to Facilitator Club
Ideas for a workshop that includes people with disabilities: Visual impairments
Hi everyone. I am looking for some ideas to ensure a smooth workshop experience where we will have participants with disabilities, mainly visual impairment. What's your experience with inclusion? What tips, icebreakers, or activities would you give me? Thanks
New comment Jan 5
Icebreaker for 60+ people
Hi everyone. Does anyone have a FUN icebreaker to kick off a 2-day HR offsite with the entire team? I have 30 minutes. If possible, I’d like to tie in themes around collaboration. Thank you in advance for your ideas. Jennie
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
hi @Jennie Shiu I will just copy the same request from @Andreas Wilhelmsson in case you want to get some ideas here as well. For such a large group, I usually try to mix activities that include body movement, as well as speed networking activities. Here are my suggestions: 1. Danish Clapping game:: 2. Speed-networking: Create at least 2-3 guiding questions, such as collecting interesting fact about each other, and the best advice they have ever received, and then after, randomly pick 2-5 people to introduce who they met and their answers. Each pair spends at least 2 minutes, and then they should switch to meet new people. You could target one person to meet at least 5 new people. 3. Here are other Ideas I received from my recent post: I had asked for ideas for icebreakers and I got some pretty good ideas: All the best
Help! Need exercise suggestion for 90 people to get to know eachother
A Consultant in my team just called and asked if I had any suggestions för exercises for a team of 90 people to get to know eachother a bit better. Their facilitator called in sick today, they planned to have a 90 min workshop tomorrow, now they have a gap they need to make use of but do not have a lot of time to spend on planning advanced facilitation. They have 90 min available, they are a team from Sweden and Norway within IT. They have a friendly atmosphere, there are variations of how much the know eachother. They are in a room with traditional stage and people sitting in rows facing the stage. No avalability of breakout rooms. They have space to mingle. The results do not have to be used for anything afterwards, they just want to get to know each other better. Thank you in advance!
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
Hi @Andreas Wilhelmsson For such a large group, I usually try to mix activities that include body movement, as well as speed networking activities. Here are my suggestions: 1. Danish Clapping game:: 2. Speed-networking: Create at least 2-3 guiding questions, such as collecting interesting fact about each other, and the best advice they have ever received, and then after, randomly pick 2-5 people to introduce who they met and their answers. Each pair spends at least 2 minutes, and then they should switch to meet new people. You could target one person to meet at least 5 new people. 3. Here are other Ideas I received from my recent post from @Holly MacLean: I had asked for ideas for icebreakers and I got some pretty good ideas: All the best
Looking for Icebreaker ideas
Hi All, in my new role I will be conducting workshops for older people, high profile business people. Any ideas for icebreakers🤔? It could be a book or some links I could learn from. Thanks
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Dan Roberts Thank you so much, Dan. Their background is quite a mixture, from entrepreneurs, NGO CEOs, Government, etc. I will definitely keep those in mind.
0 likes • Nov '23
@Holly MacLean I've just gone through them and they're great. I love most "Exorcise the Demons" and "Questions with a Purpose." I can't wait to try them with the group. Thanks a lot, Holly.
HELP! - Map Workshop activities
Hello! I’m struggling to find different ways I could do a map in a Workshop. Specially because I don’t want to exclude lots of processes that are important to consider in a map. But, on the other hand, I don’t want these to become something “unreadible” either, you know? Which tools, canvas or advice would you give to me. Example: Divide in teams and each one will focus on different processes of tha map… Thank you! :)
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Ömür Yanıkoğlu Very insightful. I had a similar challenge.
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Blaise Dusi
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Active 116d ago
Joined Oct 31, 2023
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