Help! Need exercise suggestion for 90 people to get to know eachother
A Consultant in my team just called and asked if I had any suggestions för exercises for a team of 90 people to get to know eachother a bit better.
Their facilitator called in sick today, they planned to have a 90 min workshop tomorrow, now they have a gap they need to make use of but do not have a lot of time to spend on planning advanced facilitation.
They have 90 min available, they are a team from Sweden and Norway within IT. They have a friendly atmosphere, there are variations of how much the know eachother. They are in a room with traditional stage and people sitting in rows facing the stage. No avalability of breakout rooms. They have space to mingle.
The results do not have to be used for anything afterwards, they just want to get to know each other better.
Thank you in advance!
Andreas Wilhelmsson
Help! Need exercise suggestion for 90 people to get to know eachother
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