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17 contributions to Facilitator Club
Can we become facilitators of our own team meetings?
Hello! A while ago, after another 90 minutes spent sitting in a meeting staring at an excel spreadsheet on a big screen, about a project that we have been discussing for almost 2 years with ZERO progress, I came home feeling a sense of dread and anxiety at the prospect of this being my Every Tuesday for the next years. Never the need for facilitation has been more obvious! I think that's when I realised I wanted to invest in becoming a facilitator. I am building my business, but I would love to be able to do something in my current role to help my own team before I leave. I tried to mention this to my line manager, volunteering to arrange a few sessions to kick start this project. To the surprise of no one - or we would not be here - they are incredibly reluctant to relinquish the obsessive control over their meetings. I think there is also an element of tension here as I would have to call myself out of the decision process and let the rest of the team decide. I would frankly happily give away my ideas on the project if we could progress with someone else's ideas. Anyone has successfully navigated this situation? Any tips to persuade people of the importance of facilitation or should I spend my energies on the already converted?
New comment Apr 1
1 like • Mar 23
@Julie Quin I will deliver a workshop with a colleague of another team in our department. I have done it already and the manager seemed to appreciate it. The problem is that they see the weekly meeting (completely unnecessary as ti is at the moment) as unstructured. That T-shirt may be my last resort!
1 like • Apr 1
@Holly MacLean we do. Or simply to reduce the number of (pointless) meetings! ;-)
Help with facilitating my first official workshop.
Hi everyone, please I need your help on this one. I’m a fresh graduate and I have an opportunity to return to the university where I got my first bachelor degree to organise a design thinking workshop. The workshop will be will be for 96 students split into 8 groups of 12 & the workshop will hold for 2 days. The students have no previous know-how of design thinking and at the end of the workshop they need to pitch a product/service idea to a jury (like the series Dragon’s Den). Please I’ll appreciate any help & tips regarding how I can make this a successful experience for both the students and my self. It’s a big opportunity for my career and I really want to make the best out of it. Thank you in advance.
New comment Apr 15
1 like • Mar 23
agree with @Stephen Morris that it is pretty daunting for a person alone, even more if it is your first time. What is the desired outcome of this workshop?
1 like • Mar 28
@Elijah Shoroye I would say DEFINITELY get someone to lend a hand. It's hard to manage 96 people, even in smaller groups. Then, basics, for such long(ish) ones is schedule in several breaks and make them proper breaks, not just 10min. I don't think in 2 days you can turn the students into someone able to sell to a business, I would focus on giving them a chance to explore the steps needed from idea to prototype, and test their skills in the process
Why you shouldn't charge per hour or itemise your invoices as a Facilitator
Hey Workshoppers! If you, like many consultants, struggle a little with pricing and billing with your clients - I think this video will answer a lot of your questions. It's how we at AJ&Smart moved from hourly billing (and having clients nitpick every dollar) to package pricing (and having clients not even question the price). I think it's the most complete explanation I've ever put together of how we do it and I hope you find it valuable. Happy to answer any questions you have after watching! Cheers, Jonathan P.S. Yes i still had braces when I shot that video :D
New comment Mar 20
Why you shouldn't charge per hour or itemise your invoices as a Facilitator
4 likes • Mar 18
I was about to send out a quote for a workshop (1 day in presence + 2 days preparation) with a list of all the things included, from the various calls, to the deliverables. Now I've removed all that, and am going to send it as a package. Let's see what they come back with!
0 likes • Mar 20
@Janine Katzberg I will!
How do you price your work?
Going right for the dirty word: Money! I have been asked to facilitate a one-day event. I will need additional information to understand what is required, what type of event it is, how they want it run and so on. My question is simply: how do you estimate how to price your work? Days of preparation + delivery? Organization's size? How big the audience is? I'd be interested in knowing how others approach it. (I usually added up delivery + preparation, but I tend to massively underestimate the prep and the associated time. Are there other parameters you consider?)
New comment May 22
3 likes • Feb 21
@Tina Westland very true. I also liked Jonathan's comment about the fact that when we become used to paying well for service we request, we become also accustomed to ASKING to be paid equally well. It's a growth (or abundance) mindset that I really appreciate.
0 likes • Mar 11
@Rebecca Courtney thanks! I did indeed watch it and Loved it. I am about to send a quote so that was very helpful as well
[For Business Owners] Investing Back Into the Biz
Hey all, I'm curious to know what other business owners do when it comes to investing profits back into the business (vs. taking it out as revenue). As context, I run a small business (me, my wife, a VA) and we had a really solid year last year (gross revenue north of £500k with a very solid profit margin as we are a lightweight, service-based biz). We use the "Profit First" operating model, meaning we pay ourselves first, so we draw a nice salary and also pay ourselves quarterly bonuses when our "profit" pot has extra money. Now we're winding down the year, trying to think about investments we could make to grow and improve the business (customer research, website development, content strategy, etc.) A quick Google leads me to believe the range is around 2.5% to 5% of profit for B2B and slightly higher, maybe 5-10% for B2C. But I'm much more curious to hear from fellow business owners on a similar path. Anyone out there? Thanks!
New comment Mar 20
1 like • Mar 7
that sounds amazing @Connor Swenson - can I ask how long you have been in business for? I am at a very different stage in business, but I remember investing the first money I got on legal trainings and protection. I guess for me investment in the business was always the first priority (I guess that was really shaped by my years as a researcher, being paid little and having the constant pressure to learn more to stay competitive). I agree with what others have said above, I think the key question is what you want to do with your business (and your life!) next. 😄 Do you want to grow by bringing in new projects? If so, do you have the resources for it? Do you want to grow by changing the audience you work with? Perhaps you got a bit bored, or you found another niche that could be interesting. How do you reach them? Or do you want to make more space for your personal reflection and see how you want to change the way you work? Maybe then investing in your self is the way. Good luck!
1-10 of 17
Anna Cupani
81points to level up
Scientist by training, along my lab work I have been a teacher, a musician, a storyteller and a comedian, all skills coming up in my facilitation!

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 11, 2023
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