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Everyone should have received an invite to the new group now. If you click on the link, it will allow you access to your purchased content seamlessly. if you didn’t receive your invite, private message me and I will resend the link. This group will be deleted early next week.
Free Support Zoom Tomorrow 11.7.24 9am Pac
At least half of the US is reeling today and feeling strong feelings as a result of last night's news. While this group is non-political and inclusive, but I also want to always be a space of uplift-ment, positivity, connection and support for everyone. And as always, we want to be able to "be with" all of our emotions, even the uncomfortable ones, in an authentic and healing way. Tomorrow morning I'll be holding a 45 minute live zoom call to have a safe place to balance our energy, be among friends and assist with whatever strong feelings might be arising for you at this unusual time. Here's the link to attend and I hope to see you there: Wendy "Always Honoring all our Feelings" Hart
New comment Nov '24
Free Support Zoom Tomorrow 11.7.24 9am Pac
Gratitude for small wins on a Friday!
Ever notice how we often wait for the ‘big’ victories to celebrate? Today, take a moment to recognize the small wins. Even getting out of bed on tough days is a triumph! What small win are you grateful for today? Mine aren't crazy. But with the old perspective I would have noticed the many things that still to be done, feeling the weight of the "lack" instead or cheering the things that got done and accomplished! It's a huge change in perspective! I progressed on getting my room ready for new painting tomorrow and the garage project is almost completed (new shelves!) and 3 full cars of stuff are gone! Then I invented a great supper while defrosting after sitting at the hockey arena for the first game of the season (love watching hockey but ain't warm!) and we watched a good movie together. So it was a day with a LOT OF WINS! And I'm grateful for it!! What about your wins? Share them here, so we can celebrate together!
New comment Nov '24
Gratitude for small wins on a Friday!
Bursting Exercise Day 6
Here's our Day 6 Accountability thread.
New comment Nov '24
Bursting Exercise Day 6
Make the Decision Right
After making an expensive purchase (and then doing mental ping pong, second guessing myself, regretting the purchase, and beating myself up), I was looking thru my notes from Wendy's calls. The mention of making the decision right sparked inspiring me to MAKE THE DECISION RIGHT. It is what is so. Arguing with reality is pointless. So now I am enjoying the purchase (it is useful for me). I MADE THE RIGHT DECISION!!
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No Regret Living - former
Helping you live a life unblocked where your plans get realized. Using neuroscience to help you 'get your dreams out of your head and into the world!'
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