Write something
In Nature’s silence and in the simple yet profound Beauty, I find gratitude for the friends who walk beside me. Together, we discover the healing power of silence, where you can find peace and a safe harbour just abandoning yourself to the quiet space. To the rhythm of the waves caressing the shore, the rustling leaves singing a frazzled song and song of the curious Robin offers moments to reflect and recalibrate. It's in these sacred spaces that i truly reconnect not only with the deeper parts of myself but also with the world. Here's to the simple yet profound joy of spending days in nature, cherishing the beauty of friendship, and finding clarity and peace in the stillness.
Happy 4th of July to all the Americans in here.
I hope you have fun bar b queuing with friends and loved ones today!
Happy 4th of July to all the Americans in here.
How to Walk "Head Over Foot"
Here's what I meant on the Procrastination Cure Club Monthly Live Call this week about David Beck's distinction about walking "Head Over Foot." This video is only 42 seconds long, but if you try walking this way, you'll immediately have a sense of renewed energy and flow. PLUS, it makes your body feel GREAT! Try it today 🙌
How to Walk "Head Over Foot"
@Merridy Smits @Valerie Kendall @Chiarastella Feder we have a three day weekend coming up this weekend in the US! I’m going to make it a point to make one of the recipes in Tom’s cookbook this weekend. ❤️
New comment May 23
Today’s assignment
Assignments for today: 1) Find something beautiful 2) Move 3) Learn something interesting Went for a long walk with Heinz 57 Blonde Coyote with bouncing ears. Found the beauty in many small things, a singing duet of ravens in the nest, a few macros of pollinated pussy willow and the river. Sat for a while. Thought and reflected for another while. Learnt a few cool things: Ants regulate the temperature of their nests to keep it optimal for the queen and brood. In spring, ants move closer to the surface to soak up warmth, and some species even shift soil layers within the nest to create better insulation. That's the reason why sometimes it looks like a pile is disturbed when it's actually being remodelled and optimized for the season. 🤩🤩 Ravens in the nest singing a duet song: I was puzzled because I didn't see the nest yet and I couldn't understand what was going on. Well, it turns out we met a pair of ravens singing in pair. Mated ravens will often sing in synchrony with one another, strengthening their bond and coordinating their behaviors, especially during nesting periods. Initially - when I didn't yet see them- I was wondering what the heck was in the bushes making all that crazy chatting. Pretty cool if you ask me.
New comment May 20
Today’s assignment
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