Oct '23 (edited) in General discussion
Do this Now...Post Pic of Your Phone Homepage Here!
Take just 90 seconds to Download the FREE Skool app this way: 1. On your smartphone, click on the app store (either Google Play if you're on Android or the Apple app store if you have an iPhone.) 2. Go to the eyeglass icon and type in "Skool" and the free app will come up.
3. Download the free app and then login with the same email and password you created to join this desktop skool group (Note: If you're in the Procrastination Cure Club paid group already, please use that same email address.)
4. Move the app to the front page of your phone so that you can see whenever someone comments on one of your posts, or when we post new, juicy content. ***Take a picture of the skool app on the HOMEPAGE of your phone and post in this thread to receive great free prizes!!
5. Check out the calendar section and all the upcoming programs and events.
6. Explore the classroom section and see what you'd like to learn about. As we grow, more classroom offerings will be added.
(Optional #7 - feel free to go up to your picture at the top right and adjust the notifications section to any way you prefer to be notified. But I suggest you keep them turned on because that's the most fun way to play here & keep up with all the news) That's it for now - Enjoy!
Wendy Hart
Do this Now...Post Pic of Your Phone Homepage Here!
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