What size shop vac do I need?
📣Question From the Community:
I'm looking for a new shop vac for my workshop, I previously had one but it's small and it's not enough for me anymore. How do you choose a shop vac anyway? I mean, do I go big and beefy or should I opt for something more compact and manageable (therefore saving space in my already cluttered garage)?
My workshop isn't exactly sprawling, more like a glorified closet with power tools. So while I'd love to have room for a monstrous shop vac, I also need to be realistic about what'll fit without knocking stuff over. But on the other side, I don't want to skimp on suction power because I'm sure you already know how messy workshops can get.
So what size shop vac do I need? Are there any specific features or brands I should keep an eye out for?
Dawn Cleofe
What size shop vac do I need?
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