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Start Here! Welcome To The Tribe!
Welcome WILD Women! If you haven't received your approval to the group email yet, hold tight it will be there soon or @Starrwyn Tonkin our Tribe leader will reach out to be sure you feel right at home. Step 1: Watch Video & Introduce Yourself in the comment section below Step 2: Click here for the WILD Wednesday Mastermind Schedule. Step 3: Calendar Tab at the top, and add all the Wild Wednesday Mastermind Calls to your calendar. Step 4: Start reading our best selling book Women Gone Wild, "The Feminine Guide To Fearless Living" You Can Order the Wealth Book From Our Publisher Using PayPal Here. Or Order From Barnes & Noble Here Download The WOMAN GONE WILD Manifesto Here WHO ARE WE & WHY ARE WE HERE? 🌟 Welcome to the WILD Tribe: Let's Get To Know Each Other! 🌟 This is a diverse and vibrant community of fearless individuals who embrace life with unapologetic energy. We are thrilled to have you join us on this incredible journey. This is a platform for you to share, teach, and learn from one another. We encourage collaboration, growth, and the sharing of stories, so please do not hesitate to actively engage and contribute…Remember the more you put into this group the more you’ll get out with our Gamified Rewards! As you immerse yourself in the WILD Tribe experience, remember that your unique voice and energy are what make our tribe thrive. In the WILD Tribe, we believe in the power of collective intelligence and continuous growth. Every Wednesday at 8pm EST, we host a mastermind with brilliant minds where you have the exclusive opportunity to attend live...
New comment Jun 19
Start Here! Welcome To The Tribe!
Talk with Kendra
I met Kendra as well on the boat in Antartica and was fascinated about what she created for children and parents. So please share. I think this could be a huge contribution.
Talk with Kendra
Talk with Damon Gameau
In this special conversation we dive deep into various aspects of health of ourself as well as of our planet. Damon is a filmmaker, director, producer and environmentalist. His work has captured the hearts and minds of millions. Here the direct link to our talk: Damon was nominated for NSW North South West Australian of the Year for his outstanding contributions to 'the Regeneration' movement, which seeks practical innovations to heal our planet, one step at a time. It was a great pleasure to have him. Please join and share our channel:
Talk with Damon Gameau
Talk with Jet van Wijk
If you want to know how a 25-year-old woman conquered the digital world and empowered hundreds of people to take life into their own hands with online businesses, then watch this. And pass it on to many other young people. Intuition helped her working online! She is a role model for many women and a wonderful soul. Please share as well our channel NewEarthVibration&SoulAlignment with the world. Thank you
New comment Jun 7
Talk with Jet van Wijk
WILLOW - the so called "Death Angel"
I got to know Willow on my trip to Antarctica. Our contact deepened when we had to wait three hours together at the airport for check-in to open. During this time I learned a lot about Willow and invited her to create this talk with me for New Earth Vibration & Soul Alignment. Willow is an intuitive music healer who works “miracles” with her harp. She was employed in a clinic to play the harp for people who were in a coma or in transition. This gave her the name “Angel of Death”. But still, people have woken up from comas and told her the following afterwards: “Your music gave me so much energy that I was able to come back.” Just listen in and experience her energy for yourself, because she also played an intuitive piece of music in our talk for all of us. And please share this with your peer and submit to our channel: New Earth Vibration & Soul Aligment
New comment May 12
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