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Thriving Mama Group Call is happening in 11 days
Facing our fears as Moms
I did something scary this weekend. 😱 I was super nervous and had all sorts of stories going on in my mind about how it would go... even though it was something I had done many times before. I went snowboarding for the first time since the 4 years. Like I said, I've done it many times before, but the big time gap and issues like my balance (much better, but still a little off from Lyme and mold) made me feel like I was a beginner again. But I got out on the hill, and faced my fears. And I was okay (minus stumbling taking my daughter on the magic carpetπŸ˜‚). When I got to the chair lift, I reminded myself that I've done it before and I'll do it again. I vowed to take it easy and I did. I got off the first lift with my son and we made it down together. I was actually teaching him so it forced me to slow down (which makes snowboarding harder) AND I survived! Woo Hoo! πŸ‚ As Moms we encounter scary things all of the time, but one of the scariest is the thought of not being there for my kids. I want to be there for every single one of their firsts, their milestones, their wins, their failures, their loves, and their heartbreaks. I want to be there for every moment for as long as I can while being as healthy as I can. I recently had a very similar conversation with a Mom I'm currently working with. She said that what finally made her take her health seriously was her lack of energy to make it through each day. She felt like she was already missing out because she had to nap or say no to things she wanted to do with her family but didn't have the energy to. She also said she was scared to start because she didn't know what we'd find, but she's glad she did now because after 6 weeks she has more energy and feels better every day. Many of us can all relate to that. I know even though I treat Lyme and mold for a living, I was scared as heck to test myself because then I'd know. And I'd have to do something about it (and I did). I told that Mom I could relate and we came to the conclusion that facing our fears was better than the alternative. Especially when there's so much positive on the other side.πŸ’–βœ¨
Wins! And a Vulnerable Share πŸ’–
Hey Mamas! I really want everyone to celebrate each other and wins. This is not limited to people in the program, it's for every mama in this group! Vulnerable win for me: I think some of you are aware of the struggles I've had in the last 5 years with a few bouts of mold exposure that activated EBV and more recently Lyme. During this time, I had about 30 extra pounds creep up on me out of nowhere. I was pretty much the same weight my entire life, even after having babies, but this is what chronic conditions can do to your metabolism, even with the best diet, supplements, and lifestyle. I also know that some of you are aware that since early 2023 I've been consistently implementing exercise and movement daily, dialing in my hormones, and working on that background Lyme situation. My WIN today: I was able to put on a sports bra that I purchased earlier in the year that did not fit because it was too tight!! I am down 10 pounds from when I purchased it and I'm so excited it fits!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Wanna know what my thought process was when I got it?? Initially I felt like I should've sold it or gifted it to someone (I could not return it because it was final sale), but then I told myself it would be a milestone goal on my journey...and here I am about 5 months later. πŸ₯³πŸ₯° YOU CAN DO IT MAMAS! Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it with intention, a good mindset, and a solid plan. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– (These are exactly the steps we use in the Thriving Mama program too.) Please share if you have a win from the week- big or small, they all matter!! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
New comment Sep '23
Wins! And a Vulnerable Share πŸ’–
Friday Wins
Hey Mamas! What are your wins from the week? They can be Big, small, and in between. Remember, all of the little winds eventually add up to something big. Every single one creates momentum and gets you closer to where you want to be! πŸ₯³πŸ™ŒπŸ’• So, post them here and let's celebrate YOU!!
New comment Aug '23
Friday Wins
Win the Week- Accountability 😊
Hi Mamas, I mentioned several times we'd be doing this. I've given you some time to get your momentum flowing and get into the groove of setting intentions and dialing in your diet. Now we're going to hit the ground running. Please write your answers in the comments and I'll be checking in on you throughout the week to support you and help you maintain accountability. I'll go first in the comments. πŸ’ž - What were the 3 wins from last week? - What did you learn about yourself or your business last week? - Where are you stuck? - What is your 1 BIG outcome you would like to see accomplished this week? - What tasks must you complete to accomplish that outcome? - How will you celebrate when you hit that goal? - And if you don't do the required tasks, how will you restore your integrity?
New comment Aug '23
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Thrive Mama Tribe
Private Community for Thrive Mama Tribe Members so we can all be confident, energetic, healthy moms that show up for ourselves and our families.
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