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Thriving Mama Group Call is happening in 11 days
Podcast Launch! The Thriving Mama 💖
Today I'm celebrating the launch of my podcast, The Thriving Mama! After almost 2 decades of watching moms struggle with issues like overwhelm, stress, low energy, anxiety, etc. I wanted to give them options to meet them where they're at and support them on their journey from just surviving to thriving in motherhood. The podcast will not only showcase experts and myself, but also real moms who want to share their journey from surviving to thriving at all stages of motherhood. This project has been decades in the making and truly represents the culmination of my work thus far and where I'm going in the future. Personally, it's taken me a while to get the to this place. For the longest time, I was comfortable being behind the scenes working on many big projects and products in the integrative and functional medicine world. But during the last several years, it felt wrong. Something inside was pushing me to live my purpose so I made some scary changes but I had many amazing people to support me along the way in so many different ways: as friends, teachers, mentors, and colleagues. So this is truly a coming out party for me. I would be so grateful if you could join me on this journey and support the podcast by listening, subscribing and leaving a review.🙏💖 In Episode 1 I share my own journey and struggles, and my passion for helping moms and families. The soon to be released episodes 2-4 have amazing interviews with Cara Kelley discussing the importance of community for health, Alexander Om on supporting your wife during the early stages of motherhood, and Maya Shetreat sharing so much knowledge on master plants and how they can support us on our healing journey.
New comment May 7
Podcast Launch! The Thriving Mama 💖
Welcome to the Village! ***Read First***
We want to get to know you, so please tell us about yourself my answering the following questions. 1. Who are you, where are you from, and if you work- what do you do? Drop a photo too if you'd like! 2. What are your biggest wants and desires from this community? 3. What do you do for fun? 4. Fun or interesting fact about yourself? I'll go first 😊 1. I'm Stephanie Davis and I live in Colorado, just north of Colorado Springs in a town that sits at 7,500 feet above sea level (we get some crazy weather patterns here). I've been many things professionally: a microbiologist (5 years) -> then Functional Medicine Practitioner (17 years) and Medical and Research Consultant (7 years)-> and about 4 years ago I started doing many energetic, emotional and trauma courses and certifications. My favorite thing is being a mama to my precious kiddos (who are currently almost 6 and 10.5). 2. My desire for this community is for it to be the VILLAGE WE ALL WANT AND NEED. The phrase "it takes a village" originates from an African Proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people- an entire extended support system- to raise children and for everyone to thrive and flourish. This is our village!!! 3. My favorite thing to do for fun and relaxation is to get into the mountains. One of my favorite phrases is, "the mountains are calling and I must answer." That is truly my happy place (or snuggling my kiddos). 4. Fun fact: I have deep family roots in the political scene here is the U.S. Maternally I'm distantly related to the Kennedy's but paternally I am a direct descendant of Aaron Burr (yes, the guy who shot Alexander Hamilton is literally on my family tree).
New comment Feb 14
Do you know where your food is coming from?
Are you making informed decisions about your food consumption and its environmental impact? In our latest episode of The Thriving Mama, I had the pleasure of speaking with my good friend Autumn Smith, a pioneering expert in regenerative farming who overcame her own health issues through a whole foods diet and co-founded Paleovalley and Wild Pastures. Autumn shared profound insights on the relationship between dietary choices, personal health, and environmental sustainability. This episode was particularly important to me because there is so much confusion about animal versus plant based diets out there. My 3 Biggest Takeaways Were... 1. Regenerative agriculture practices like water retention, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity are vital for not only restoring soil health but also mitigating floods, droughts, and improving farmers' livelihoods. 2. While there are debates about the best diets, ethically raised animal products offer unique nutrients essential for human health and can be part of an environmentally sustainable food system. 3. Knowing the actual farming practices behind labels like "organic" and "grass-fed" is crucial for making informed and impactful food choices. You can check out the episode here: P.S. Autumn was so gracious and gave my listeners some great discounts on both Paleovalley and Wild Pastures products. 😋My podcast listeners get 15% off of the entire Paleovalley's product line with this link: (I personally LOVE the Chocolate Bone Broth Protein, Golden Milk, and Grass Fed Organ Complex). 😋 50% off their tasty and nutritious 100% Grass Fed Beef Sticks with this link: (my kids and I love the teriyaki and jalapeno).
New comment 4d ago
Podcast Episode for Moms of Tweens and Teens
The "keep calm and carry on" mentality might actually be harming our kids. I personally *HATE* that phrase since it invalidates how you feel in the moment. In the latest episode of The Thriving Mama, I sat down with Jasmyne Chandler, a certified trauma-informed professional life coach and founder of Guided Passages, to dive deep into strategies for helping parents and teens build confidence and motivation. Just FYI, I LOVED this conversation because she's spot on about how we need to be relating to our kids from tweens to early 20s and she gave SO many nuggets of wisdom. My 3 Biggest Takeaways Were... 1. It's crucial to separate a child's behavior from their identity and focus on their positive aspects to help them thrive despite their mistakes. 2. Giving respect to children by allowing them to process their emotions and reflect is key before trying to solve their problems or engage in communication. 3. Meaningful rituals and rites of passage are essential to supporting teens through transitions, helping them individuate safely and acknowledge their newfound roles. P.S. You can hear the full conversation at this link:
New comment 15d ago
Podcast Episode for Moms of Tweens and Teens
3 Ways to Stay Calm as a Mom (In the Chaos)
Dirty dishes, laundry piles, toys all over the floor, repeating yourself for the 158th time, soccer practice, swim lessons, and oh yeah, what's for dinner??? What does this add up too? OVERWHELM! This is the number one thing I hear from moms weekly. 😱 I am SO overwhelmed. 😱 There's so much chaos. Although it seems daunting to deal with, I've got you Mama! In Episode 6 of The Thriving Mama podcast, I'll break down: 💜Common symptoms of overwhelm 💜 How overwhelm affects your body and your nervous system causing dysregulation and more chaos 💜Three powerful and easy ways to stay calm as a mom in the chaos Links: YouTube:
3 Ways to Stay Calm as a Mom (In the Chaos)
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Thrive Mama Tribe
Private Community for Thrive Mama Tribe Members so we can all be confident, energetic, healthy moms that show up for ourselves and our families.
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