What would be a fair price for my community?
I already have a skool community with about 20 members inside it which all got in for free.
I’m building a funnel from my youtube channel which will eventually lead to a 1-1 call with me and then I’ll tell them about my community.
In there we’ll have 3 community calls per week, 3 courses and one added every two weeks, they’ll be able to schedule calls with me, meetups, documents, etc..
Now it comes to the price question. I fairly have no idea how much to charge which is why I’m coming here.
Considering that this community will be made specifically for the my avatar customer and will be able to change their lives, how much should I charge?
1-10$ /month
10-20$ /month
20-30$ /month
30-50$ /month
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2 votes
Jjs Learns
What would be a fair price for my community?
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