Jan '23 in Other
This is Why Younger Folks Can't Think Long-term
We always hear successful people say "Think Long-Term. Think about the next 10 years. Build for the next 30 years." Yada yada yada!
Yeah, it's all well and good but young guns who are between 18-28 like me can't really do that easily. And I think I know why.
Recently I was reading something and planning my moves for the next 10 years when I realized I am 22 & 10 years is almost half of my life on this planet.
Half of my life feels like an eternity. Yet the older I get the faster time is passing.
I realized, from my perspective, 10 years is seeming like an eternity to plan for...To work hard for...To save money and to stay disciplined for...
But when I am 50-60 years old, 10 years is just 15%-20% of my life.
This made me understand why young people can't really think long-term. For someone who is 18 and just graduated high school, thinking 10 years ahead is like asking him to prepare for more than half of how long he lived so far.
But the older you get, and the more you live, the quicker you realize 10 years is nothing. Yet keeping your head down and working for 10 years will put you ahead of 99% of the population.
Planning properly and working for what feels like an eternity at this age will give me freedom for the rest of my life is what I am telling myself now.
Thanks for reading.
As you were.
I CAN think long term.
I focus on short term. Long term takes care of itself.
I can barely think at all.
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Nivas K
This is Why Younger Folks Can't Think Long-term
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