🌳 The Procrastination Tree
So recently researching procrastination, because I want to learn about it, as much as possible, because I also have a procrastination problem, and I want to help others fix it
so I made what I call a procrastination tree
the environment is: toxic people, news, limiting self-beliefs, and the content we consume
this will determine who we are.
So the root (cause) will be low self-worth, and because of this root, our tree will grow its branches:
These will be the symptoms of our problem, fear of failure, perfectionism, and we will numb our brain with instant gratification and distraction so we can forget reality
and a tree with these branches will result in a fruit called procrastination
if we want to fix this tree, we have to put it in a different environment so it will make a different fruit
Benedek Santa
🌳 The Procrastination Tree
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