Apr '23 (edited) in Other
The gap
The other day, I had a chat with , and I've been thinking about a question ever since. As individuals, we usually know what's best for us. However, there's often a gap between our knowledge and our actions, for example, when we fail to apply a new concept from a book.
Zein and I both want to help people bridge this gap, but we've found that even if we expose them to well-proven techniques, they won't act if they lack a good reason to do so.
To address this issue, we brainstormed ideas related to human psychology and addictions. We thought of ways to use mental default systems (such as the reward system, status, fear, shame, and social interaction) for a good purpose.
Some of the ideas we came up with include:
  • Early and easy wins
  • Rewards
  • Measurable progress
  • Accountability
  • Community
  • Rankings
  • Tight feedback loops
  • Bets
I'd love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and any additional ones you have to close the gap between knowledge and action.
In your opinion, what is the best strategy to ensure that the ones that you are helping take action?
Joan Soler
The gap
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