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Productivity simplified:
Step 1: Pick goal
Step 2: Find bottleneck
Step 3: Work
Step 4: Repeat
Go where you're needed
The 'UUI Audience-Building Rule':
The best way to build a valuable audience
is to consistently provide Unique Useful Insights
to a specific group of people.
This give you attention and authority
the two things needed
to generate income online.
All you need to get to $100,000/month is an audience and a flagship digital product
Advice for YouTubers:
Stop being a YouTuber.
Don't stop making videos. Just stop identifying with a label that comes with a preset list of beliefs that hold you back. Beliefs like "when I get X subscribers then I'll be happy", or "in order to make more, I need more views"
In the great online game
the only earning limit
is the one you believe
Mastery requires boredom
In 3 months I helped 3 people:
1. He went from $20,000/month to $200,000/month
2. He got 900,000 views on his first video
3. He made $120,000 in 4 days
Deliver results.
Build your reputation.
Become undeniable.
Then everything you've ever dreamed of will come true.
2 cool new apps:
Not affiliate
The sign of a good CEO:
56 of @LeilaHormozi's videos contain the word "serve" more than once
• Yes, he got 900,000 views on his first video
• Yes, he now has 60,000 subs in 3 months
• Yes, I helped him do it
No, I won't help you do the same
• I must go where I am needed most
• I must help starving artists
• I must help creators earn what they deserve
Spread the good news:
Thanks to AI + internet
it's easier than ever
to make great money
doing what you love!
Our mission is to delete the concept of 'starving artist'
In the last 90 days we helped creators make $900,000, and we're just getting started
Who's excited to watch the journey?
Did you know
that some courses
are not a scam
To make my first $1,000,000 I asked myself this question every morning:
"How can I make it unreasonable I won't succeed?"
Then exploit
Try 100 things
Then when it gets easy, go hard
Educational YouTubers
with 10,000 subs
are making more $ than
Entertainment YouTubers
with 1,000,000 subs
My purpose:
To delete the concept of the "starving artist"
Everyone deserves to make good money doing what they love. And the internet has finally enabled them to do so. And it's my mission to help them
PS: All these thoughts came from my Twitter
Andrew Kirby
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