My Biggest Lesson From 40 Million Organic YouTube Views
In this post, I'll share the biggest lesson I've learned from 40,000,000 long-form video views and also show you some behind-the-scenes of my YT Dashboard (don't share this lol).
This guy keeps talking about me so I thought I’d address this…
Yes, I didn’t want to do this at first.
I don't want to be a YouTube guru, I don't want to be a course creator.
I want to just focus on making content. Keep focusing on my craft.
But after countless conversations with Andrew, he convinced me to share what I've learned.
I love this Synthesizers group and I think we need more educators on YouTube who are crushing it, so I said yes.
(I'm noticing this all sounds like a marketing copywriting post lol, but it's all true)
I'm only doing this once and Andrew won't convince me to share this stuff again publicly (knock on wood, he is very persuasive...).
Whether you’re deciding to join us for this weekend or not, I wanted to leave you with something valuable.
As a fellow content creator who makes educational videos, I know how challenging it can be in the early days of YouTube.
It took me 9 months to get my first 1,000 subscribers. Then about 3 months to get to 100,000 subscribers.
There’s one thing I wish I would’ve understood a lot sooner.
(I wish I could go back in time and punch myself actually lol)
This is by far the biggest lesson I’ve learned after gaining 40,000,000 views (long-form videos, short-form doesn’t count).
Here it is:
The importance of packaging can never be overestimated.
Even if you've "already heard this before".
However important or impactful you think titles & thumbnails are…
…it’s way more important than you think.
Let me give you some examples:
Also, here's a behind-the-scenes loom video of my YouTube dashboard to emphasize this point further:
Don’t get me wrong - to succeed long-term you need great content.
But with the right packaging, you pour gasoline on the fire like crazy. It creates exponential results that are simply unfair.
So here’s what I encourage you to do:
  • Prioritize packaging and video ideas above all else. Don’t make the video until you have a great title and thumbnail.
  • Deeply study your audience - their fears, desires, hopes and dreams. That will inform you on what will make them most curious.
  • Study the homepage of YouTube (in incognito mode) to see the most viral videos and study why they went viral. How did the thumbnail stand out to you? Why is it intriguing? Do this daily.
  • Find patterns between them.
You can figure this out on your own like I did or you can join us this weekend and let me share what I’ve found.
I’ve studied this to an unhealthy level and I’m going to share everything I’ve learned in detail this weekend alongside Andrew.
I’ll teach everything you need to know about ideas, packaging, storytelling, production, the entire process, step-by-step on to make viral videos and build a successful channel as a synthesizer.
Andrew will go in-depth on how to monetize and position yourself to turn this into a business.
Keep synthesizing. We need more viral videos with a positive message.
Leon Hendrix
My Biggest Lesson From 40 Million Organic YouTube Views
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