Deenie Pajazitaj
I’m 19 & Will Make $100,000 in 2024
I’m 19 & Will Make $100,000 in 2024
Here’s exactly what I did:
  1. I mastered my knowledge on communities, with help of Mentor Himanshu.
I needed to understand what makes communties work on a fundamental level.
I’m even building one myself, which is a little more difficult to do!
2. I contacted an influencer (500k followers) and offered to build him a community.
He was excited! We spent two weeks discovering his specific niche. We’re going to revolutionize modern education in the Netherlands, by teaching people financial literacy, breaking the 9-5 spell that is installed in youth here.
3. Received Offers
I never once mentioned paying me to him. I would’ve done it for free to build case studies, and you will likely have to as well!
But, my client offered to pay me, and he’ll pay me really well, it had to do with me selling myself to him really well.
4. The Extra Benefits
For the next years I will be working with this millionaire, he has taken a mentorship role for me. He’s giving me advice and he’s helping me out, on TOP of him paying me.
My network is drastically changed, so has my networth.
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