How I Overcame The Fear Of Being Judged As A Synthesizer
This Is How To Overcome Self-Doubt: ⬇️~Do you want to overcome self-doubt? Then continue reading. When I decided I wanted to commit to being a Synthesizer and start making content on social media I was trembling with all these thoughts. Thoughts like what will that kid I didn’t talk to since middle school think? 🤔
What about my friends? When I’m in a group setting 🤦🏽‍♂️are people gonna know about my Instagram and judge me? Listen to how ridiculous this all sounds!! But here is the secret, I started asking myself the question why❓Why would that bother me if people knew? Why am I insecure about this?
When you go enough Why’s deep you're confronting yourself and you come to realize. “You’ll stop caring what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do.” ~ David Foster Wallace People don’t care enough about judging you because they're too worried about If people are judging them. So go right now and take a small step towards something you’ve been putting off.
~ What are some thoughts that stop you from taking action?
Yechiel Cohen
How I Overcame The Fear Of Being Judged As A Synthesizer
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