Mar 23 (edited) in Wins🏆
Getting Rejected 👎 By Andrew Was The Best Thing For Me
So, I went back and forth if I was going to share this. Frankly, I wasn't sure anyone would care to read it (and it hurt my poor little feelings at the time). However, I am about doing the hard things to help others, so here goes...
When first started his mentorship program here, I applied, got my interview, and never heard sh!t. I realized after a week or so, I had been rejected. And I can say this probably was the best thing that could have happened to me!
See, after I cleaned up the deflated balloons and ripped streamers at my pity party 🎉 I had a "coming to" moment, where I realized no one, but myself, was ever going to get me to succeed, unless I started to buckle down and do the hard $hit myself. I also had a "fu€k it" moment too... an "I'll show him" thought, which is ridiculous because who the fak am I... I am not remotely on his radar. But whatever! It's what I needed at the time, to fuel my fire.
Fast forward some months now, and I had now launched my YouTube channel, built a brand, pivoted, and then built my coaching business from the ground up... ALL ON MY OWN, WHILE WORKING A HIGH PRESSURE SALES JOB FULL-TIME, AND BEING A MOM AND MILITARY SPOUSE!!!
Next week I launch my BETA program and begin my cold calling and funnels. I have posted weekly on YouTube (a promise I made myself starting January 2024) and just wrote my goal to quit my job by June (wish me luck).
In realizing the world doesn't owe me $hit, realizing I was the one who had to do the hard stuff to get where I wanted to be, rearranging my life to find the time to do the stuff that has no rewards yet, staying sober, and cutting everything out that wastes time and has no benefit, I am finally here... my "I'll show you" moment 🤣 which is not even remotely part of my motivation today and feels ridiculous writing it even.
So thank you for rejecting me. Though I know you could have made me get here faster and better under your tutelage, I don't think I would have appreciated proving to myself (and to my family) that this 50-Year Old lady can do anything she wants to do! And I hope in sharing this, it helps someone who has been watching from the sidelines, start the steps to make positive changes in their lives too. You can do it... Now go prove it!
Helena Leppanen
Getting Rejected 👎 By Andrew Was The Best Thing For Me
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