For Those Doing YouTube..
Hey, So After countless different ventures, I've decided to start YouTube (This will be like my 4th time already) and I've already set down the niche, it's going to be self-improvement and basically offering solutions to problems I face.
I've started working on some videos and have written a few scripts already. However, What I noticed is that asking a set of questions is the best possible way to find a solution. It is quite similar to journaling. But The reason I made this post is because I wanted to ask people already doing YouTube...
What are the questions You ask yourself while creating/writing a video?
How do you set your goals with each video?
What would You do if you had to Re-Start your Channel?
Any and all help would be highly appreciated.
Scar Horey
For Those Doing YouTube..
High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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