Dec '22 (edited) in Other
$10,000/month wisdom
I've been earning over $10,000/month online for the last 3 years, and here's the truth: having a $10,000/month+ business is a simple balancing act.
at all times, you need 4 core pillars dialed in:
  1. A great offer
  2. Great content (which grows your audience)
  3. A simple sales process
  4. A great delivery process (which comes from a great team)
And u need to keep updating them so they don't become out of date.
Now at the same time as balancing those 4 pillars, you as the CEO need to be focused, which means constantly scanning your life and environment and removing distractions as they come up.
this means not checking ur phone as soon as u wake up...
this means setting aside 2-3 hours a day to do nothing but WORK on a predetermined task
and it's strange how, as hard as running a business already is, a lot of us unconsciously make it harder than it needs to be by complicating it...
tiktok today, instagram tomorrow, youtube yesterday, free community this, affiliate that, headline this, thumbnail that, shiny object where, new guru who, membership whut, low ticket wow, black friday can't resist... there's a never ending pit of 'i should do's' when you lose focus on your 4 core pillars.
if you really step back, take a deep breathe, you can simplify your business - forever.
but just like meditation, where you have to keep coming back to the breath... in business you have to keep coming back to the 4 core pillars.
  1. How's your offer?
  2. How's your content?
  3. How's your sales process?
  4. How's your delivery?
if you can nail those 4 core pillars, in that order, you'll win.
because ultimately, all you need to succeed with this great online game is great content that pitches a great offer.
from there, you just need a simple sales process people can go through (like a check out page or a calendar page so people can book a call)
now ur making money!
once you're making money, you just need to take some of that money and pay people (team mates) to help make your content, sales process, and delivery as fun and effortless and efficient as possible, both for you, and your clients.
where most people go wrong, or experience trouble, is they lose focus on those 4 core pillars, and get they caught up in shiny objects, and often think they need to learn more, when really they need to ACT more.
way too many ppl over emphasize learning thru books & teachers instead of emphasizing action and learning thru experience.
when u take action, you'll learn and succeed A LOT faster than if you just read books and watch youtube videos all day.
the ultimate recipe for success is combining action with feedback from a coach/trusted advisor and from the genius within yourself.
easiest way to implement this recipe is to hang out with people who are already doing it...
when you hang with winners, you become one.
if you wanna know how much money you're goona make in the next year, look at how much money your 5 closest friends r making right now.
my income skyrocketed when i changed my peer group
because your network determines your net worth!
alright, enough from me for now - over and out ✌️
Ted Carr
$10,000/month wisdom
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