10,000 Instagram followers in 6 Months & Selling out my Coaching Program.
Over the past few weeks my instagram @andyhvisuals has crossed 10,000 followers, which took 141 posts and 236 days. In the last 30 days alone I have grown by 3,000 followers and my Youtube is growing at a consistent rate.
I sold out my 1-2-1 coaching In January, which is a £1500 investment, so my audience are also prepared to buy which is amazing.
There's a handful of things I've done that have resulted in this growth and are really easy to implement.
1 - Defining My Mission
Rather than nailing down a specific niche, I wrote down what I wanted to achieve, how I wanted to help and who I wanted to help. This made creating content very easy because it meant each time I made a piece of content, I just asked myself, does this help achieve the mission, that mission being...
"Too elevate creators, build powerful personal brands and turn knowledge into profit"
2 - Consistency
It's boring, but it works. I've posted almost everyday the last 3 months and my growth has sky rocketed in the process. I have uploaded everyday on instagram this year and once a week on youtube. Being a big fan of endurance training I know first hand how just showing up consistently can pay off in the long run. It's just being patient and consistent.
3 - Ignoring the competition
The more I watched others in my area, the more I would be influenced by there content and what they are doing. Id see myself doubting what I'm doing, questioning if my methods were correct, thinking I should try what others are doing. But when I ignored everyone else, focused on what I wanted to achieve and the way I wanted to do it, that focus resulted in flow.
I hope that helps in some way, or motivates. I'm dialled in on my end goal right now so please, any questions, please fire them over!
Andy Hillocks
10,000 Instagram followers in 6 Months & Selling out my Coaching Program.
High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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