UPDATE 1: My first deal as a “licensing agent”
Just a short update to the original post here: My first deal as a “licensing agent” Over the past weekend, the store brand owner (distributor) wrote up some product page copy to sell the pdf guide. Then we realized we needed some partially blurred out product images to go on the page too. I produced those myself easily enough in Canva using the blur tool available in the free version. I’m no graphic designer by any means. But he’s happy how they came out, so we’re rolling with ‘em. Today, fingers crossed he has the time 🤞 he’ll add everything in and do a test sale to test the delivery mechanism. And double fingers crossed 🤞🤞 delivery goes smooth and we’ll be up and running. A couple things I’ve realized so far going through this process. Travis has been known to mention that for every minute you make someone think about something, it can add days or weeks for it to get done. Many times it leads to a dead deal. Luckily the dead part 😵 isn’t the case here, but I believe there’s probably some things I might have done differently to expedite everything. Our partners are super busy people, so anywhere I can take things off their plate might save days/weeks of delay. One being… I might have offered to draft up the product page copy and take that off the store brand partner’s plate. Another that I still might do is to draft up a sales email or two for him to send his current and past customers. Curious if you can think of any others I could have, or might still, apply?