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Digital Business Card Integrated into BM1
Question: has anyone found or is currently using a digital business card application (there are a few out there) that integrates contacts into Benchmark One? We are hoping to use digital cards, and I have been researching some options. One of the things I would think I want is integration into the CRM (we are using BM1). Thoughts...?
New comment Sep '22
AWESOME Life-Hack Tool to Transcribe ALL of Your Meetings and Calls
I recently had a client ask "What tool do you use to transcribe all of your calls, meetings, coaching calls, etc?" Here's a quick video and link with the answer. This EASILY saves us HUNDREDS of hours per month! Try it out here-->
AWESOME Life-Hack Tool to Transcribe ALL of Your Meetings and Calls
Looking for a great Sales / Marketing Process and Mind Mapping Software?
We use Lucid Chart like crazy and LOVE IT --> They offer a Free version that is good enough to get you started. Enjoy!
New comment Oct '21
Benchmark1 v. Hubspot
Hey Kev and Community, Sorry for my distance here as of late, things just got real! In a good way, business is booming and I have been travelling a bit too at a 5-6 day clip at a time -- with another 5 days coming up on Sunday 10.31.21. This question likely begs for a deeper debate, but Jeremy is wanting to move to Hubspot and is (free) trialing it a bit now "'cuz he likes it better". I dont really wanna move from BM1 due to several things: 1) BM1 works fine 2) we haven't fully utilized all of it 3) change is hard and frankly somewhat unnecessary 4) perhaps the largest reason -- the issues we face on BM1 will likely be the same moving to any new CRM. But this said, I am open minded and since you know me/Hyde Group business practices, is there ANY true compelling reason to consider Hubspot over BM1 and all the associated migration efforts and learning curve we will have to go through? Please advise, ~M~
New comment Oct '21
Kennected | LinkedIn CRM
Has anyone ever heard of or used use CRM? It is called Kennected and it acts as a CRM and automates the process, follow ups, and messages.
New comment Oct '21
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