Updating multiple Dataverse rows from Inspection form
Working on my first app and still learning :)... in this app, I'm using Dataverse tables.
I made an inspection form (similar to Darren's tutorial). I have 4 "tabs" each shows a different gallery from the same datasource (based on the Location #). See screenshot (it does have fields that will be hidden later, but show now for testing, so that's why the gallery items are jumbled). I have a Save button with a ForAll statement for each gallery (screenshot shows the 1st one, but the other 3 run back to back immediately after and are identical, except for the gallery/field names). I have tested each ForAll statement individually and they each work on their own. However, when I put all 4 (or 3 or 2) in the code, only the first one writes the updates and the subsequent ones don't.
Any ideas as to why? I'm wondering if it's something with the delegation warnings. Or do I need to reset the gallery after the forall, before the next one? I'm at a loss and haven't found anything when doing an internet search. Thanks for any guidance!
Gwen Wilson
Updating multiple Dataverse rows from Inspection form
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