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Welcome to OWNR OPS! This is the online community for local service business owner operators When you join, please introduce yourself and tell us: 1. Who you are 2. What business you own & operate 3. Services you offer 4. Where you’re located 5. What you want help with from the group 6. What you can help others with My intro: My name is Austin Gray I own and operate Bear Claw Land Services in Colorado We do multi acre land clearing, fire mitigation, forestry thinning, and gravel road grading I enjoy building local service businesses from the ground up I can help with strategy, marketing, sales, hiring, Zapier automations, & Jobber set up Glad you are here & looking forward to helping you grow your business!
New comment Nov '24
1. MOVING TO FB GROUP Quick reminder to join the OWNR OPS FB group here: 2. NARROWING OUR FOCUS If you own & operate an outdoor service based business, this is gonna be the group for you I've made a decision to focus OWNR OPS guests & content specially for outdoor service based businesses who operate heavy equipment land clearing, forestry, excavation, landscaping, snow removal, etc. WHY? Because we all deal with VERY similar business models and VERY similar challenges I believe that focusing our efforts interviewing guests with business models will help to create more valuable information for guys like you and I who operate businesses with heavy equipment 3. PODCAST GUESTS here are some of the podcast guests for 2025 (and new members in the FB group) Brock Peel from Canadian Septic Garrett Williams from G&M Outdoors Bryan Furnace from Diesel & Iron YouTube We're going to dive DEEPER into the ins and outs of owning & operating outdoor service business that utilize heavy equipment Want to grow your business and enjoy all things heavy equipment? This FB Group is gonna be the group for you: P.S Why the move to Facebook away from Skool? Facebook is an app all of you already open, including myself. Let's be honest... I doubt I'm the only one who scrolls marketplace while taking my morning crap looking for the next good deal on trucks / equipment 😂 Skool is just another annoying app that we have to open (including myself) I believe that FB will be a better (and easier) medium for us to help each other grow our businesses and this is why I'm making this decision for OWNR OPS group to move to FB in 2025 See you in the group P.S.S If you don't own / operate an outdoor service business that uses heavy equipment (or have aspirations to start one) then this probably isn't the group for you
Quick reminder to join the OWNR OPS FB Group here: Starting Jan. 1 - we’re no longer using Skool I believe our community conversations will be better accomplished on Facebook (in an app most people already have) See you over there!
Join the OWNR OPS Facebook Group
i've created a FB group to make it easier for us to all connect Skool is cool for the features they offer... but let's be honest with each other Engagement has been light in this group on Skool (my guess is because it's just another app we all have to open outside of what we normally would have already opened) For those of you who actively want to engage and grow your outdoor service based business in 2025, join the FB group below I'm tailoring the podcast in 2025 to focus more on outdoor services like: -land clearing -tree service -excavation -landscaping -snow removal I believe as outdoor service business owners, we all share similar challenges and can help each other grow join the FB group below if you own (or are looking to start) an outdoor service based business and want to grow in 2025
What are your 2025 Goals?
Happy Saturday Morning! what goals do you want to achieve in 2025? as we wrap up the end of 2024, it's important to reflect... what did you achieve in 2024? where did you fall short? i'll go first... goals achieved: -hire full time project manager & delegate sales/estimating -build 2nd crew to offer excavation / grading services -delegate content creation system -500 subscribers on Bear Claw YT channel Goals I fell short on: -$1.2mm revenue (we will be a couple hundred short) -close a 6 figure HOA snow contract (close but didn't get it across the finish line) Reflecting on last year is a great way to understand where to start with your 2025 goals What goals did you achieve & what goals were you short on in 2024? post yours in the comments below 👇 P.S. i'm going to host a 2025 goal setting workshop for anyone who wants to set goals together and hold each other accountable Let's win together in 2025! -Austin
New comment Dec '24
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