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[NEWS] Medical Tyranny - The enemy is injured, but certainly not dead!
Courtesy of Holistic American Health Academy member @Josh Beard READ ARTICLE A man is being denied a heart transplant because he refuses required vaccines. They rather watch him die because he rejects their god or idol than save him. This is medical tyranny, unethical, and violation of the Hippocratic Oath. The Vaccine industry is a cult.
New comment 3m ago
[NEWS] Medical Tyranny - The enemy is injured, but certainly not dead!
[NEWS] Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism
Recently, I received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they've known for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism. Executive summary I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available. The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data. The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated. I am working with Trevor Fitzgibbon to pitch this to all the mainstream media so that I’m not talking to an echo chamber with this data. It is much better if we can get the blue-pilled media to red-pill their peers; it’s unlikely to happen any other way. READ FULL ARTICLE ________________________________ Get serious about your holistic health journey with guided help from certified holistic practitioners! Join today for just $1!
New comment 11d ago
[NEWS] Georgia Department of Agriculture Cracks Down on Backyard Chicken Flocks and More!
Looks like tyranny on the rise from Georgia's Department of Agriculture as they continue to attack our food supply chain. "Avian Influenza notice: all poultry exhibitions, shows, swaps, meets, and sales in the State of Georgia are suspended until further notice." Read More.....
New comment 20d ago
Fake Meat’s False Promise: Why Silicon Valley Can’t Hack the Future of Food
By Julie Guthman, Fast Company: “Solutions are the bread and butter of the tech sector, and Silicon Valley has led the way in making our everyday transactions faster, cheaper and more convenient. Recently, though, techies have set their sights on problems far more intractable, complex, and political than data and communications technology, namely the world of food and agriculture. And they have made this foray without genuinely engaging how past introductions of technology in food and agriculture have gone down. Nowhere is this more clear than in alternative protein innovation, based on biotechnologies aimed toward replacing animal products. They draw on the logic of “substitutionism,” a term that refers to a long term tendency to shift food production away from farms and into factories where food can be made more cheaply and less tied to natural processes. But it is not at all evident that alternative protein can deliver on its core promise of environmental improvement. Like all substitutionism, factory or lab production does not escape the need for material resources. Something doesn’t grow from nothing. For starters, you still need biological inputs either as the base ingredients or to feed the material that is supposed to replicate. While alternative protein entrepreneurs obliquely acknowledge this when they make claims of “plant-based,” they routinely obscure from where all those peas, soy, and mung beans will come and how they will be produced, should those simulacra largely replace animal proteins.” Learn more about how such processing requires significant resource use, as bioreactors and factories substitute for rural infrastructures
New comment Dec '24
Fake Meat’s False Promise: Why Silicon Valley Can’t Hack the Future of Food
NEWS: Gene-Edited Salad Greens Are Coming to U.S. Stores This Fall
Emily Mullin, WIRED: “Biotech giant Bayer plans to distribute mustard greens that have been genetically altered to make them less bitter to grocery stores across the country. Last year, startup Pairwise started selling the first food in the US made with Crispr technology: a new type of mustard greens with an adjusted flavor. But chances are, most consumers never got to sample them. The company introduced the greens to the food service industry—select restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, retirement centers, and caterers—in just a few cities. A single grocery store in New York City also stocked them. Now, biotech giant Bayer has licensed the greens from Pairwise and plans to distribute them to grocery stores across the country. “We hope to have product reaching kitchen and dinner tables in the fall of this year,” says Anne Williams, head of protected crops in Bayer’s vegetable seeds division. She says Bayer is currently talking to farms and salad companies on how best to grow and package the greens.
” Learn how Pairwise is turning its attention to developing pitless cherries, seedless blackberries and more
New comment Dec '24
NEWS: Gene-Edited Salad Greens Are Coming to U.S. Stores This Fall
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